12 Simple Habits for a Happier, More Fulfilled Life

Have you ever heard the old saying that a life with many regrets is no life? Think about that profound statement and use it to evaluate your life.

Do you have a bucket list of things you’ve been waiting to do, or are you so tied to a desk at the office that work has become your life? Use your past experiences to write your future, and ensure your future is fulfilled.

Be Happier and More Fulfilled with These Habits

Now is the time to start living and enjoying everything you have been given. Stop wishing for a happier life and put action behind those thoughts. Here are twelve things you can do to improve your life to make it happier and more fulfilled.

1. Focus on Relationships and Not Possessions

Is your focus off-kilter? Are you putting all your energy into storing wealth and possessions when you should be focused on people and relationships? Your obituary will never discuss all the boats, cars, and homes you’ve owned.

Rather, it will talk about how loving and kind you were to others. When you focus on people, you will reap the rewards of good friendship and love. To have friends, you must show yourself friendly, and it’s hard to do when you’re married to your job.

2. Give Back to the Community to Be Happier

There’s no better feeling than the one where you help someone in need. It’s not something you need to post on social media to get accolades, but it’s a gesture of kindness that you feel inside.

If you have two shirts, give your brother one. It’s an old principle that still rings true. If you want to find true happiness, you will find ways to give back to others.

3. Use Accountability

Every word or action you do can have consequences attached to it. If you do something wrong, then you need to own it. Don’t hurt others’ feelings, nor should you ever do something amiss without owning it and rectifying the issue.

If you’ve lied, then make sure that you fix your untruthfulness. You will find that if you have no accountability, your lies and other issues will snowball.

4. Be Disciplined

Have you seen the difference between a person with great discipline and one without it? A disciplined person knows that sheets get changed on Mondays, and Tuesdays are when the trash must be taken to the curb.

They live by a structure so that they are accountable and dependable to all. Having discipline doesn’t mean you’re perfect, but you have the mindset to accomplish the necessary tasks.

5. Free Your Mind and Heart of Hate

If you allow it, hate will consume every fiber of your being. Even if someone has wronged you, you must learn to let it go.

Freeing your heart from hatred helps you focus on happiness and fulfillment. You don’t need that negativity anyway.

6. Be Eager to Forgive (It Makes Your Heart Happier!)

Do you hold grudges? Do you harbor feelings for people who have done you wrong in times past? You must allow forgiveness to penetrate your being if you want to be forgiven.

Unforgiveness is the breeding ground for hate, and you already know that malice can fester to the point of making you miserable. You don’t want to be known as a grumbling, mean person who holds grudges. Rather, let your legacy be one of happiness and love.

7. Put Your Loved Ones First

You must work and maintain relationships outside your job, but nothing is more important than your family. Forbes shared an article regarding how workaholism can destroy marriages.

Sadly, addiction to work is a marriage killer, and it can ruin other relationships too. Your family and friends must come for you to be first to be truly fulfilled. There are plenty of other jobs, but you only get one family.

8. Live A Purpose-Driven Life

At the core of fulfillment and happiness comes purpose. Going to work and raising kids is part of that picture, but finding purpose goes way beyond that traditional day. What is your reason for being on the earth?

You need to find something that makes you happy at the end of the day, even if it’s something small. Finding a purpose is key if you want to live in contentment.

9. Never Stop Chasing Your Dreams of Being Happier

How long has it been since you sat back and dreamed? Have you ever written those dreams down on paper? Your dreams are the driving force behind your happiness in life. Your existence would be dull if you didn’t have a vision for the future.

Maybe it’s time you stop worrying about your 9-5 and get the kids to all their after-school functions. It would be best if you made time to dream again. Do you want to be a pilot, travel to a faraway land, or hold a position in your company that seems unachievable?

Dreaming gives you hope for tomorrow and a reason to keep going.

10. Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

This step might be hard for many people. Your comfort zone is there to protect you, and stepping outside those bounds can be scary. However, if you don’t stretch yourself or your limits a bit, you will never know how genuinely great your life can be.

Have you ever been offered a position or asked to do something in life, but you doubted your abilities? It’s a boat trip where people are jumping over for a nice swim. If you don’t put your toes in the water and feel the water below’s amazing sensations below, how will you know if you won’t like it?

If you stay in the same position, then you will stagnate. The movers and shakers in life are the ones that take chances and jump even when there’s nothing to catch them.

11. Count Your Blessings

Before laying your head on the pillow at night, be thankful for all you have been given. There’s someone out there that would do anything to have a nice, warm bed to sleep in. Did you eat today?

According to Action Against Hunger, over 690 million people across the globe don’t have sufficient nutrition, and they go to bed hungry each night. It’s depressing when you see how much food is wasted around you. Sure, you have problems and may feel like you’re drowning in depression or other matters.

However, someone always has it worse off than you. Taking time out of your day to be happy about all you have changes your attitude to gratitude. Someone somewhere would do anything to have a fraction of what you do.

12. Make Improvements Everyday

Each day has valuable lessons if you only take the time to learn them. To be fulfilled, you should strive to make little improvements daily. What if you could improve yourself by just one percent each day? At the end of the year, you would be 37 times better than you were when you started.

So many people get caught up in thinking they need to make drastic changes. While that’s all fine and good if you can make such alterations, many times, those changes aren’t long-lasting. However, if you can learn to make small daily changes, the chances of sticking with those adjustments are more significant.

Final Thoughts on Being More Fulfilled and Happier in Life

According to News Scientist, there are more than 7.7 billion people on Earth. Amazingly, there is only one you. You are unique and will never be anyone else quite like you. You owe it to yourself and your family to live your life to the fullest.

Part of being fulfilled is to live with no regrets. A powerful poem states that when your time on earth is through, you don’t want to be like the people who fear leaving the world because they want to redo all the bad in their life.

Rather, you should feel happier and fulfilled that you’ve lived your life to the best of your ability. When you go home at the end of your journey, you can die with dignity and pride like a hero.

What changes can you make today to make you and the world around you a better place? Start incorporating a few of these things into your life, and you will be amazed by the changes you feel. You can’t correct yesterday’s mistakes, but you can stop the ones of tomorrow.

I hope you enjoyed these 12 simple ways to live a happier, more fulfilled life in 2023!  Dream big but start small and stay consistent.  This will ensure that “one day” will be YOUR day!!

To The Top!

Eric Tippetts





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