So many people trudge through life with no clear goal of where they are going. May of these people had dreams when they were younger but because of negative forces, the dreams slipped away. Or, the dreams are still there but looked upon as a fairy tale that can never come true.

I have news for you!

Dreams can come true!

I know many people that are living their dreams and have even bigger and better dreams that they are working to attain.

Notice… I said working. None of these people had their dreams just fall into their laps. They had to reach out and grab a hold of the dream, and make a decision to turn that dream into reality.

Looking into my own dream weaving and also asking other people how they have climbed the dream ladder to reality, I am going to share several pieces of advice so you can live your dreams.

What are your dreams?

The first step to living your dreams is understanding what your dreams are. What is it you want in life?

  • Travel to exotic locations?
  • A vehicle that will turn the heads of friends and family?
  • A winter home, summer home and another home to escape the other 2?
  • A yacht?
  • Etc…

I suggest you write down exactly what you want. The only way you can achieve your dream is to know exactly what those dreams are.

Assess your current situation

You need to look at your financial, physical and family situation so that you can see where changes need to be made to reach a level where you are gaining toward your dreams.

Put a plan of action together

Now, you need to write out a plan of action. What will be your first steps? I then suggest you make the path with small stepping stones.

Figure out what you want to attain and make your plan of action fit into place to work toward the goals you have.

You may want to consider having a mentor who has been successful help guide you in developing this plan of action.

Broadcast your intentions

I have always noticed that, as humans, we will work harder to achieve our goals if we tell other people our dreams and how we plan to achieve those dreams.

Don’t worry that some people may think you are crazy.

You will discover who supports you and who doesn’t during this process, which leads me to my next tip on making your dreams become reality.

Remove the roadblocks

You will find people who have nothing but negative comments and advice after you broadcast your intentions. I suggest you completely ignore these people.

Remember that they may have been taught that old-school pattern of being an employee until retirement and then sitting in a rocking chair for the few years they have left.

Don’t allow those people’s life patterns to have control over your dreams.

And don’t get me wrong… I am not telling you to completely de-friend those people; but when they speak the negative stuff, let it flow elsewhere. Choose to not accept their negative attitude and always respond with positive words.

In time, they will realize that reaching the dream is possible, because they will see it from you.

Create daily habits that are geared toward attaining your dreams

Let’s face it, our lives are made up of habits. Many of the habits we have are not geared toward taking us to our dreams. It is time to create daily habits that will help us instead of hinder us. Some ideas may be:

  • Each morning, speak positive affirmations to yourself aloud.
  • Eat a frog. This means doing the most difficult task first so all other tasks will seem easy.
  • Get out of bed ½ hour earlier.
  • Exercise.
  • Etc…

Be slightly selfish

I almost veered away from putting the word selfish here, but I believe it does fit. And what I mean by this is to not say yes to everything. It is important that you consider your dreams and if someone is asking you to do something that is taking you away from that goal, it just makes sense to politely say no.

Be humble

While you need to be slightly selfish, you need to be extremely humble. Learn to give credit to those who deserve the credit. Understand that the person cleaning the office has as much importance as the I.T. guy.

What, you say!

Well think about it… If everything is dirty and dusty, it can damage all the computer equipment making the I.T. guy’s job more difficult.

Without humbleness, those dreams will be difficult to reach.

Have more humility. Remember you don’t know the limits of your own abilities. Successful or not, if you keep pushing beyond yourself, you will enrich your own life–and maybe even please a few strangers.” A.L. Kennedy

Live life daily to its fullest

I believe this is one of the most important tips I can give you to reach your dreams.

Many people are not following this simple precept. Each day has new opportunities and if you reach out and grab the opportunities that are before you, the dreams you have can become reality even faster than you ever imagined.

Just look around you! Envision the dream and choose to fly with the eagles.

Final Thoughts

More than anything, I hope today’s post inspires you to push yourself into higher realms. Dreams are attainable as long as you believe they are. Without the belief, no matter what you do, you will not reach the dream. So believe and go out and reach your dreams.

I have something that can help you develop a road map to those dreams. Get my To The Top audiobook which can help you create that plan to make your dreams a reality. You can order your copy here.

Thank you for stopping by today. Please share this with your social friends who are trying to reach their dreams.

To The Top!

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