When I look at various entrepreneurs and their tribes, I see a huge mix of leadership styles. Some leadership techniques are magnificent while there are others that make me grind my teeth. When I notice a person trying to lead others using methods that make me cringe, I notice a common denominator… The “leader” cannot lead others because he/she cannot even lead their own self.
In a “play” on today’s title, I put it starts with U. I use that in 2 ways:
- U describing you
- and U for personal development University.
I know for a fact that you have to be able to lead yourself before you can successfully lead other people. So I am going to give you some tips to lead yourself.
#1: Lead Yourself By Knowing Yourself
Many people go through life without truly knowing themselves. One of the keys to good leadership is knowing the person you are leading; knowing their traits, their likes and dislikes, etc…
So it just makes sense that you need to know you before you can lead yourself. So I suggest you get a notepad and pen. Look deep inside and write down:
- What do I fear?
- Where do I want to be 1 year, 5 years, 10 years from now?
- Who do I admire the most and why?
- What do I detest the most and why?
- What is my best trait?
- And, what is an area I need to improve on?
#2: Lead Yourself By Being Mentored
To be a great leader, I believe you need to be willing to seek advice and actually follow one or more successful leaders.
I mentioned in the prior area that you should describe who you admire and why. I suggest you really delve deep and consider who you admire for their leadership abilities. If possible, approach that person and ask if they would mentor you. Pick their brain and learn leadership techniques that you can use.
#3: Lead Yourself By Being Humble
The best leaders I have ever met are humble. Even though they are in charge, they also realize they are a servant to their followers. They are willing to admit when they make mistakes and they “own” those mistakes. They are also willing to admit when they do not know the answer.
Keep in mind that humbleness is not the same as allowing people to “walk on you.”
#4: Lead Yourself By Planning
All successful ventures started with a plan. It only makes good sense that you start by planning the basics in your personal life such as:
- Work life balance
- Personal budget
- Etc…
By planning all the simple areas in your personal life, you will make it habitual and it will become automatic in business.
#5: Lead Yourself By Getting Outside Of Comfort Zones
If you are always standing in your little (or big) “comfort box,” you will find it quite difficult to lead other people.
The best place to start breaking free of comfort zones is to start on your own personal level. Pick out your fears and go after them. If you fear:
- Roller coasters, go to the nearest amusement park and take a ride.
- Speaking in front of an audience, find a venue where you can “Just Do It.” (Thank you Nike)
If you force yourself to break out of those personal comfort zones, you will be able to handle the uncomfortable positions you will face as a leader.
#6: Lead Yourself By Trusting Yourself
Confidence is a key to competent leadership. So you have to trust your decisions on even the smallest levels personally.
Your spouse asks you to get their favorite cereal at the supermarket. The store is out but you have this idea that he/she would like the other brand. No, the telephone is not an option…
Do you trust yourself and by the cereal? Why not?
Maybe they won’t like it but, I bet you know your spouse well enough that they will. Be confident and purchase the cereal; break out of the comfort zone.
#7: Lead Yourself By Continuing To Learn And Grow
The best leaders know that they do not know it all. They are always looking to learn more and grow.
Read books, watch videos and attend leadership conferences.
Find ways to become a stronger leader both at home and in business.
To help you, I am offering a free training course that will give you unstoppable motivation.
You can get this free training course: 7 Days To Unstoppable Motivation by clicking here.
I want to ask you, what is your biggest challenge in leadership?
Please post your comments and questions below.
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Have a great day!