5 tips for content marketing

5 Tips To Help You Master Content Marketing

Courtesy of RawPixel on UnsplashIt has become one of the top methods to market products or services… Content. But when we look at content marketing, we are reminded of an old movie: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

Yes, content marketing does come in all these forms and I would add one other form, superb or exceptional. And finding superb content marketing is not simple, but there are some who have mastered it and supply the best of the best.

It is a skill you must develop, an art you must master. Today, I want to help you do so. Here are 5 tips to help you master content marketing.

Master Content Marketing Tip #1: Your Content Needs To Focus On A Target Audience

Sometimes we are so “caught up” in having thousands upon thousands of readers that we generate content that is too broad. We are trying to write to all readers and in reality, few will actually read it and even fewer will buy what we are selling.

The key is to write content that is focused on your target market. Having 100 target market readers that will convert is better than having 500 readers of a broad range and no conversion.

Master Content Marketing Tip #2: Make It High Quality

There is tons of content on the internet that rates as average, mediocre. And while the average post gets some readers and even some buyers, the few that make sure their content goes over and above average are the ones who are getting leads, sign-ups and sales.

So instead of publishing 5 average posts per week, it is better to publish 2 superb posts per week.

Master Content Marketing Tip #3: Give Your Readers A Way To Share

Word of mouth is one of the best marketing methods in the world. And in content marketing, sharing via social media is the same thing as word of mouth.

But how do you get your readers to share?

Make it easy for them. You should have share buttons on each blog post or article so readers can easily click and share with their friends and family. Have buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc….

Master Content Marketing Tip #4: To Make A Plan, Ask Yourself Questions

You need to answer the why’s, what for’s and hows to effectively plan a content marketing strategy…

  • Why would I market my content on social media?
  • Who will read my content?
  • What is the target’s problems/pain points?
  • How can I convince them to convert?
  • And, How can I keep my current customers?

As you are brainstorming a content marketing plan, keep these questions and more importantly, the answers to them in the front of your mind. This will help you generate a content marketing plan that meets needs (both your needs and your market’s needs), and is a huge success.

Master Content Marketing Tip #5: Be A Storyteller

The best content marketers have a “knack” of slipping short stories into the content they generate. Humans love stories and you will keep the interest of the reader by casually implementing a story or two into the content you right.

I have read some content that I immediately assumed would be boring because of the need for statistics and other stuff that can be monotonous to read. But the writer integrated stories in the midst of the boring stuff and brought the content to life.


One of the biggest keys to marketing via content is consistency. You cannot just write a piece and assume it will “carry” you. You need to keep them coming.

I want to help you even more… Click here to get the 8 Step Checklist on How To Create A Crazy Profitable Website. And just click the box that says, I Want My Checklist Now.

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Thank you and have a great day…

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Eric Tippetts

Eric Tippetts

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