5 ways to change the world

5 Ways You Can Impact Humans And Create Change In The World

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Every day of our existence, we have a serious choice we must make. Some people don’t realize they must make this choice daily, but they still do choose.

What is this decision we must make?

We can choose to allow the world and humanity “spin” without our input, or we can do our part and assist humans in the spinning process.

Secondly, we also have the choice to do our part in a negative way, positive way or we can just ride along allowing others to control how it all rotates.

No, the world does not spin around any one person; all of us can have an impact on the rotation.

But the first key is knowing you DO have the power to have an impact. No matter your education, political influence, bank account or even the clothes you wear, you DO have the ability to impact humans and create change in the world.

I am going to share 5 ways…

Impact Humans And Create Change #1: Find One Small Problem To Solve

Look around you!

Take your eyes off the smartphone, television or computer for a change and discover there are problems that need solving. It doesn’t have to be a huge problem. Find a small problem and solve it.

Impact Humans And Create Change #2: Live In Positivity

Everywhere we look, we can find negatives…

  • politics
  • religion
  • wars
  • crime
  • etc…

But hey, there are great things happening too! There are positive things, so don’t fall into the negative trap… Live in positivity and you will impact humans!

Impact Humans And Create Change #3: Smile

It is simply amazing how a smile can impact strangers and ultimately change the world.

This goes hand-in-hand with #2 because smiles and positivity work as a team.

It doesn’t cost anything to flash a smile and you may help someone have a whole new outlook on life.

Impact Humans And Create Change #4: Feed A Homeless Person

We live in a world where many people assume they are judge, jury and executioner. Many see a homeless person and immediately assume it was a result of drugs, alcohol or something of that sort.

We really do not know why they are in that position and does it really makes sense that we “punish” them further even if they made some bad choices?

We can impact their lives and change the world with a simple act of kindness. A low cost burger and fries can help them know there are STILL good people in the world.

Impact Humans And Create Change #5: Stay True To Your Ethics

Each and every one of us have a code of ethics we live by. And not every person’s ethics are the same… That’s cool!

What isn’t cool is when you know a person has certain beliefs but breaks those beliefs or ethics in the name of money or some other gratuity.

What happens is respect is lost for that individual. Even people who don’t agree with your ethics will disrespect you if you break the same ethics they disagree with.


These are just 5 small ways you can impact humans and create change in the world. I will be expanding on this subject in the future, but start with these and you will see subtle changes in how people in the world treat you.

One way that I made an impact was the problem I saw with people and their finances. So I developed the Expense Tracker which has helped many people handle their finances in a wiser way.

Check out the Expense Tracker here.

So glad you came by today… Be sure and share this with others. Let’s all start climbing…

To The Top!

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Eric Tippetts

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