6 low cost marketing strategies

6 Cost Efficient Marketing Mediums For Your Small Business

cost efficient

I believe every entrepreneur has dreams and visions of his/her brand or business carrying a 30 second marketing spot during the game of all games… The Super Bowl.

Ahh, it is fun to fantasize but the reality hits us square between the eyes… We don’t have millions of dollars to spend on a short ad and most of us cannot even consider several thousand dollars to run a marketing campaign.

We have to find ways to market our business, our brand and our wares by using effective, cost efficient marketing mediums.

In today’s post, I am going to share 6 cost efficient marketing mediums to help you grow. Use them… They work!

#1 Cost Efficient Marketing Mediums: A Blog

In most cases, you probably already have a website for your business. Adding a blog to that website is a great way to market your expertise and the cost is minimal. Actually, the greatest cost is the time to write posts. But if you do some searching, there are many freelance writers that can provide you with excellent content that is SEO friendly and will help sell your products or services.

#2 Cost Efficient Marketing Mediums: Social Media

Be it simple Tweets, posts on Facebook or Linkedin or images on Instagram, you can draw a lot of attention to your business and brand. And if you want to “up” the attention, you could also pay for advertising on some of those social sites.

Do keep in mind that people are visiting these sites to be social; not to get spammed by salespeople. So be social and share your knowledge.

As people look closer, they will want to be your customer.

#3 Cost Efficient Marketing Mediums: Referral Rewards

Some of the best marketing in the business world is word of mouth. People tend to listen to their friends and family. If someone tells them a business is great, they will go out of their way to shop at that business even if there is a similar business next door.

You can gain more word of mouth advertising just by giving simple rewards for referrals. It could be something as simple as percentage off their next purchase or a free gift.

#4 Cost Efficient Marketing Mediums: Direct Mail

direct mail

While there is some cost involved in direct mail, the Return On Investment (ROI) can be outstanding.

A simple postcard that offers the prospect a special offer if they bring that card in can gain a huge response.

Yes, there will be those who toss it in the trash, but nearly everyone reads their mail before doing so. If you use enticing words with a “sweet” offer, you will discover many people will not toss that card in the trash.

#5 Cost Efficient Marketing Mediums: Videos

Like blogging, videos are another great way to draw attention to your business. Plus, it is essentially free unless you are hiring an outside source to do them. And even doing that can be inexpensive.

Show people your manufacturing process, tell a story why you started the business or just give advice on some area that your product or service solves a problem in.

Videos do work, just be sure and link your website in the video.

#6 Cost Efficient Marketing Mediums: Partnering With Sister Businesses

Just as an example, let’s say you own a dry cleaning business. And 1 block away is a formal clothing store.

It just makes good sense to approach the owner of that business and work out a system where you each refer customers to the other.

You could even display fliers and business cards in each business promoting the other.

This is an excellent free marketing method that works great.


There is not 1 miracle marketing method. It is wise to use multiple methods. So I suggest you use as many of these as possible and any others that you find.

And measure the rate of success. Use what works and discard what doesn’t.

One last thing… Some great marketing methods and mediums do require some investment. If you budget correctly and take some of your profits to put back into marketing, you can drive more revenues.

We developed an app to help you budget your dollars and it will also help you get the biggest deductions in your taxes.

Just click here to see what The Expense Tracker can do for you to help you grow your business.

Thank you for coming by. I hope this post helps you… If you have any questions, just post them below…

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Eric Tippetts

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