7 marketing mistakes

Do Not Make Any Of These 7 Marketing Mistakes

As entrepreneurs, we are taught that mistakes and failures are a part of the learning and growing process.

But I do believe that if you can learn from other people’s mistakes without having to commit them yourself, you are 1 step closer to success.

Besides, some mistakes can damage your business for a long period of time. The majority of mistakes that fall into that category are within the marketing phase.

Some examples that immediately come to mind are:

  • The U.S. and Ghana were against each other in the World Cup. Delta Airlines wanted to recognize each team and posted images of the Statue of Liberty and a giraffe. The problem is: there are no giraffes in Ghana.
  • Or when Pepsi expanded into China they used the slogan: Pepsi Brings You Back To Life. That doesn’t seem bad but when translated it says: Pepsi Brings Your Ancestors Out Of Their Graves.

In today’s post, I am going to share with you 7 marketing mistakes you DO NOT want to make.

Marketing Mistake #1: Targeting Everyone

If you are attempting to market to everyone, you are usually marketing to nobody. The fact is, you have to send a message to a certain target group in your marketing efforts. If you are trying to reach everyone with that message, it will be to generic and dull. No one will remember it.

Marketing Mistake #2: Giving Up On Marketing Campaigns Too Early

All marketing efforts will take some time to see results. Do not get caught in the thought that immediate magic will happen. You need to give it a chance. Yes, there may be costs involved, so make sure you have a budget large enough to rum the campaign at least 3 months.

Marketing Mistake #3: Too Many Marketing Chiefs

Having too many people involved in the marketing decisions can turn your marketing efforts into a chaotic mess. It is best to keep all marketing decisions to just a few key people.

Marketing Mistake #4: Focusing On You Instead Of The Customer

While it may be okay to tell how you or you business won an award, the focus always needs to shift back to the customer and the problems you are solving for them.

Yes you won an award… For solving ? issues and making life better for a certain group of people.

Marketing Mistake #5: Too Much Social Media Presence

Some entrepreneurs assume they should immediately create brand pages at every social media location.

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Linkedin
  • Instagram
  • Google +
  • Etc…

It isn’t bad if you can manage those pages, but the issue usually entails not enough time and help to do so. If you are not regularly posting, followers will lose trust and will assume that if you cannot keep pace with your social media, how will you provide good customer service.

I suggest picking one social site and getting complete control of it before starting another.

Marketing Mistake #6: Not Having A Website

Statistics show that nearly 60% of consumers search online for their needs before they visit any store. That even includes local.

The investment into a website just makes good business sense. I would also add that having a blog and educating consumers on related topics will also help you grow into a trusted brand.

Use content to create a buzz and add a call to action and watch your sales grow.

Marketing Mistake #7: Not Networking

Some of you may ask, “What does networking have to do with marketing?”

More than you realize!

Hub-bubbing with other professionals in similar areas will create a system where they will refer you to their clients and you can refer them to your customers.

It does pay to attend trade shows, seminars and other events and get to know other like-minded entrepreneurs.

Don’t make the mistakes

Marketing is one of your most important areas and if you make a mistake, it CAN cost you dearly. Always step into the eyes and ears of the consumer and use empathy before you run that marketing campaign.

My goal is to help all entrepreneurs find their successful path. I hope this post helps you understand why marketing is so important.

To help you further, I want to offer you a free copy of my book, To The Top! It is a guide to creating prosperity to have a successful business and a wonderful life. Just click here and get your copy today.

If you have any questions about this topic or any feedback on today’s post, just leave your comment below.

Thank you for visiting.

To The Top!

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Eric Tippetts

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