business cryptocurrency

Block Chain For Business

With Bitcoin exploding into unreal values and poised to keep going higher, more and more people are examining how the Block Chain works. How the system that allows Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to function operates.

It is the block chain!

It is a system where all transactions… ALL… are recorded in logs and ledgers and kept for eternity.

Block chain records cannot be manipulated because they are entered, verified, verified again and sealed to all possible changes.

The only way a crook could steal your cryptocurrency is if you gave them the key to do so.

It is a crook proof system.

Why aren’t all businesses using this system?

It seems every few months we hear of a business getting hacked and thousands, if not millions of customer, client and employee personal information ends up in the hands of thieves.

It would only make good sense if the same system that has taken Bitcoin to extreme heights is used in:

  • banks
  • malls
  • fast food
  • slow food
  • etc….

There is so much that can be done using Block Chain technology. And what is cool is how anyone can use this technology to set up a Side Chain that allows you, your business to even have its own form of digital currency.

The experts are on it!

Through crowdfunding, a start-up is about to launch!

And I predict this start-up will become huge for entrepreneurs and developers. The possibilities are endless.

And before I tell you who this start-up is and where to jump in, let me tell you some of the benefits of the system they have created…

  • The ability to develop side-chains (an interior block-chain) that the organization runs on. This can include the development of private digital currency.
  • A Dapp store which provides access to “gobs” of customers using decentralized means.
  • An easy-to-use and flexible interface allowing developers to focus on the business development instead of technological problems.
  • The ability to issue a Block Chain asset without writing any code.
  • A decentralized, interior trading system that also will integrate with other digital currencies in a centralized way.
  • Side chains can be fully customized with its own database, algorithms, trading modes and over-all account architecture.
  • All major platforms are covered… MAC OSX, Linux, Windows, Android and IOS.

And best of all…

No outside entities can take control or possession of any of the side-chain or block chain assets.

This is especially important in countries where governments can confiscate a persons savings, home or other property with no notice.

Block and side chain technology keeps all users anonymous.

And so much more…

Using a Block Chain system will create a safer, and more enjoyable experience for your customers and clients.

It will improve your business’ image. After all, you will have better safety and privacy controls than most other businesses.

The complete technology you have available in this system opens the possibilities of dreams. Your creativity can use the Block Chain system to take your business to heights never imagined.

Where… Who?

It is… and you are cordially invited… Just click the link.

Do you want more information?

This Nasgo Whitepaper can provide more.

Blockchain technology is the method that will allow your business to run without outside interference.

So help your fellow entrepreneurs out and share this with them.

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eric tippets

Eric Tippetts

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