don't let dream stealers in

Passion: 10 Tips To Get It Back – To The Top Tuesday

It can happen to any entrepreneur, the passion has dwindled.


It could be:

  • Working outlandish hours
  • Family and business is not “jiving”
  • Etc…

Whatever the reason, I cannot answer that question for you, and I really don’t believe discovering why the passion has dissipated is the answer; getting that passion back is the key.

In today’s post, I am going to give you 10 tips to get that passion in your business, product or service back.

Passion Tip #1: Schedule You Time

You MUST allow time for yourself. If you don’t take personal time, odds are you will get burned out.

I suggest you send phone calls to an answering service during your You time.

Schedule alone time and family time and follow it religiously.

Passion Tip #2: How Is Your Health?

This goes hand-in-hand with tip #1… Your health is a prime factor in your moods and stress levels.

  • Are you eating properly?
  • Is exercise a scheduled priority?
  • Are you getting enough, and proper sleep?

It is my opinion that if you bring your health up to optimum levels, you will find renewed passion in your business.

Passion Tip #3: Do You Fear Change And Risk?

When you started the business, it was a risk, was it not?

Have you suddenly developed a fear to make changes or take added risks within your business?

This may be a good time to “shake it up.” Add a new product or service.

But everyone says the economy isn’t right for that now…”

Did you listen to the person named everyone when you took the risk and started the business? If you would have, everyone probably was saying don’t do it.

Sometimes fear & change equal renewed passion.

Go for it!

Passion Tip #4: Make A List

Sometimes passion leaves because we stop dreaming. We get caught up in the here & now and forget to envision what can be.

I want to help you start dreaming again, so do yourself a favor and just make a list. Write down everything and everyone you love.

Now reflect on each and everyone of them and you WILL start dreaming again.

Passion Tip #5: Dive In

It is a common issue with entrepreneurs… We start getting caught into working on the business instead of in the business.

Yes, the paperwork, the sales, the meetings, etc, must be, but we have to make time to do what we originally loved most, working in the business.

So take a few hours each week and go out to the midst of operations and get your hands dirty.

Passion Tip #6: Delegate

You may be asking yourself how you can make the time to work in the business instead of on the business.

The answer is actually quite simple…


Some of those tasks you are doing could be done by an employee or contracted out to a freelance agent.

Sure, you could do them yourself, but in the long run, it leads to burn out.

Passion Tip #7: Keep Learning

When we stop learning and are always doing, there is a death of passion.

Always make time to keep learning…

  • Read books
  • Attend conferences
  • Join webinars
  • Hire a coach

Just keep learning and your passion will never die.

Passion Tip #8: Teach

Nothing can fire up the passion better than teaching someone else what you truly love.

Be a mentor to someone who has the inner passion to do what you do. You will feel a new sense of passion fire up.

It is amazing!

Passion Tip #9: Fire The Dream Stealers

Maybe they are not actual employees that you can fire, but there are probably one or more individuals around you who are consistently negative.

Stay away from them… Fire them!

You don’t have to accept negative atmospheres.

Don’t allow negative to have any power in your inner being.

Passion Tip #10: Reignite The Dream Supporters

Just like dream stealers, we all have some people around us who are supportive of our dreams.

When was the last time you spent some quality time with your dream supporters?

Spend more time around those who have supported your dreams and you will find a renewed passion.


If you heed these 10 tips, I know you will reignite the passion you once had.

Be sure and come back and tell me if they helped you.

I have one other item that can help you… A free training course called 7 Days To Unstoppable Motivation. Get your motivation and passion on by clicking here.

I am so happy you stopped in today.

Please share this with others who may have their passion slipping.

Thank you.

To The Top!

eric tippets

Eric Tippetts

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