eric tippetts

VIDEO: Simple Way to Shift Power from “Buyer” to “Seller” with this 1 Tip!

If you think of the Real Estate profession and I ask you, “who has the power, the buyer or the seller?”

Everyone would answer, the Buyer….right? That’s typically true because they hold the Money.

This is the same in the Network Marketing profession….I get asked all the time “Why do I have such a hard time convincing people to join my business?”….and I tell them, because you must not have a high level of perceived value to your prospect.

There are only two ways to shift the power to You…the “seller”. One, is to have made a lot of money and recognition in your home business….you can show paychecks with $10’s of thousands of dollars and cars, boats, homes, planes, etc….This provides alot of power because people want that lifestyle, they want that dream!

Now, the rest of the 97% that does not have that power…the second way to shift the power from the buyer to the seller is “Information” or “knowledge” into a subject of HIGH VALUE to your prospect.

Think of it this way….if your prospect was one month away from filing bankruptcy and you had “information” about a simple proven solution that works EVERYTIME….who has the Power?

Information is SOOOOO powerful! The challenge is most Network Marketers think they can join a home business and that the product will sell itself…it doesn’t. People buy from people they like, trust, respect, and VALUE!!

You will hear me say all the time…”Leaders are Readers”! This is because they are constantly learning new ideas, tips, insights, relationship cues, etc….this information is priceless and is why people value them and want to learn from them.

I am going to give you some of THE most powerful information for free right now. This is from Kiplingers magazine and there are two tools that 95% of Americans don’t understand and know….which will change their lives!

Click here to check it out:

(see the links right below the video)



The Expense Tracker named “Top Financial product” for Direct Sellers in 2012 by Direct Selling Live

I am very proud of how The Expense Tracker is evolving every week/month/year in becoming the Top Expense Management product for Direct Sellers to help with Recruiting, Retention, and Money Magnetism for Distributors around the world!
I also built the “7 Days to Profitability” email training course that arrives daily in your email box and trains you how to use The Expense Tracker in small bites each and every day, which equal success within 7 days of joining a home business. I am very proud of this training course and I am building more tools and providing more content every week.
If you have not discovered the power The Expense Tracker can provide you in your Home Business….Try it today –

Kind regards,
Eric Tippetts

Simple Recruiting Phone App – Guaranteed To Work!

3 Reasons Why This Recruiting Phone App works:

1.The most successful Network Marketer, “lead with a lending hand” (you will see this in minute 1 of video). 97% of network marketers “ask” before they ever “give”…what if you could give everyone that works a 9-5 job an immediate raise on their next paycheck by joining your home business without any money out of their pocket.

2.This product will help you capture your prospects contact information and keep it organized and reminds you when to call them – (see how within minute 4)

Third, for IRS compliance, you need to show you have “the intent to make a profit” which this simple tool provides (see within minute 5).

I have testimonials of reps going from recruiting 7 people in one year to 93 people in one month using this simple phone app.

You can get this recruiting mobile web app at

Have Fun and Enjoy the Success!


p.s. Interested in providing this simple App to your team and making some residual cash…I create a 50/50 revenue share for referrals…ask me how today! – Free “7 days to profitability” training course

If you want to grow your home business…grow your people!

I watch so many people focus consistently on recruiting but remember, this is a business of duplication and making others successful as well.
Stop and make sure you are helping everyone on your team grow and learn how to be successful in their business.

Where Does All My Money Go?

Eric Tippetts, Author/Speaker provides insight into helping families get a handle on their finances.
See Eric’s article on Networking Times:

MLM Recruiting Video – Use This Video To Recruit!

This is one of four recruiting video’s I made to help my customers show very quickly “why” their prospect should look at joining a home business without “selling”. No one wants to “lose” money and this video shows your prospects that they are losing money every paycheck by not having a home business.

There are 2 tax systems in America – 1 for the “informed” and 1 for the “un-informed”. Show this video to your prospects and help them discover how much money they are LOSING by not having a home business.

Typically, once a person joins a home business, just the tax savings alone more than pay for the home business + the opportunity to make more money!

Goto: to purchase our tax savings estimator app that shows your prospects an estimate of how much money they are losing…very powerful recruiting app…a must have to simplify exploding your home biz in a rejection free way.




Eric Tippetts

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