google+ groups

Social Networks And Groups For Entrepreneurs

Growth in your business somewhat relies on who you know and how you grow personally.

Networking with other entrepreneurs is a good way to learn new strategies, attain assistance in your start up or even just have support. You may be able to discover partners, investors or even customers or recruits.

Maybe you attend trade shows and other events locally to meet other entrepreneurs, but we now have the world at our fingertips.

You can network with entrepreneurs all over the world. But you just need to know where on the internet those entrepreneurs are “hanging out.”

In today’s post, I am going to share a huge range of social networks and groups on well known networks where you can associate with like-minded entrepreneurs.

Social Networks And Groups – Google+ Partner Up

This Google+ group has over 19,000 members. The goal is to help each other with small business needs and issues.

You can join here:

Social Networks And Groups – Data.Com Connect

Set up primarily like a forum, this network has entrepreneurs sharing questions and answers on topics in the areas of sales and marketing.

I suggest you check out this community at:

Social Networks And Groups – Linkedin Executive Suite

Anthony Vlahos started this group designed to put many together to share best tips and strategies for managing your business. This group has well over 300,000 members, so you are networking with a wide range of entrepreneurs.

You can ask to join at

Social Networks And Groups – Facebook Entrepreneur Hustle

With 20,000+ members, Entrepreneur Hustle is a great Facebook group designed by Danny Veiga.

Just ask questions about taking action and many experienced entrepreneurs will be there to answer and help you.

You can join Entrepreneur Hustle at

Social Networks And Groups – Linkedin Bright Ideas & Entrepreneurs | Small Business Startup Community

This Linkedin entrepreneur group was started by Steven Burda who is a entrepreneurial master in the Philadelphia area.

The group has over 21,000 members and continues to grow.

Just ask to join at

Social Networks And Groups – TheFunded

Finding funding sources for your startup can be a daunting task.

This network puts entrepreneurs together to rate and discuss various investors.

I highly recommend this site if you are seeking startup funding…

Social Networks And Groups – Ryze

The founding investor for Napster, Dr. Adrian Scott started Ryze as a means for entrepreneurs to come together in one location.

There is only one problem… This can become an addicting network and you must have self control and know when to get back to work.

You can join Ryze at

Social Networks And Groups – Meetup

This well designed network website allows you to meetup with other entrepreneurs within your general local area.

Find out what is happening and where… I know you will love it!

Check out Meetup here:

Social Networks And Groups – Linkedin A STARTUP SPECIALISTS GROUP Online Global Network for Entrepreneurs, Startups

This group was started by Ravi Kikan and has over 250,000 members. Get advice and offer suggestions for startups.

Working together, entrepreneurs can help each other have success.

You can ask to join at:

Social Networks And Groups – Facebook Savvy Business Owners

This is a female only entrepreneur group… Sorry guys.

There are over 12,000 members led by Heather Crabtree.

I recommend you females consider this Facebook group:

Social Networks And Groups – Linkedin Digital Marketing

Completely dedicated to discussing marketing strategies and tips in the digital world, this linkedin group will soon reach 1,000,000 members.

I do recommend that you join so you can get tips on your digital marketing methods.

Social Networks And Groups – UpSpring

Just creating a business profile on UpSpring can give you greater visibility. It is a wonderful method to engage with other entrepreneurs, prospects and customers.

It is free to list on this network, so it only makes good sense to have your business there.

Social Networks And Groups – Linkedin Leadership Think Tank

With nearly 230,000 members, this Linkedin group is focused on leadership concepts, strategies and practices.

Do not overlook this group if you are a solopreneur… Leadership is still important.

You can ask to join at:


This is just a few of many…

Not long ago, I wrote about IBO ToolBox… If you haven’t yet joined that community, I also recommend it.

Get involved with these communities. You can learn and also help other entrepreneurs. It is a win-win.

By the way, while not a social network, Rocket Recruiting is a system designed to make your recruiting process fun and easy. Check it out here.

Do you have any groups you would suggest?

Just leave your comments below and please share this post with others.

Thank you and we will see you on your path

To The Top!

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Eric Tippetts

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