how to become a social media influencer 2018

7 Tips On Becoming A Recognized Influencer

becoming a recognized influencer

One of the best ways to grow your brand and your business is by becoming a recognized influencer in your industry and on social media.

How do people react when they see your name and/or your logo? Do they immediately know who you are? Know what you do and the experience you have?

Being a recognized influencer carries a lot of responsibilities. You have to maintain a consistence presence and have the ability to solve problems your followers may have.

In today’s post, I am going to give you 7 tips on becoming a recognized influencer. Keep in mind that it will not happen overnight, but if you follow these tips, you will gain more followers and be recognized as a “go to” authority.

Becoming A Recognized Influencer Tip #1: Make Sure You Are In A Niche You Have Extreme Passion For

I see it time and time again… People see others doing well in niche areas and they assume if they “jump in” to that niche, they will become popular too. It could be like me seeing many doing great in cosmetics and trying to blog and post socially about the next huge thing in anti-aging cream.

I have no passion for that subject!

Cosmetics are a great thing and I know many who use them. That does not make me an authority figure and people would immediately see I have no desire to blog about such things.

Entrepreneurship is my passion!

And because I have a deep love for teaching entrepreneurship, those who want to become entrepreneurs follow Eric Tippetts.

Know your passion and let it guide you.

Becoming A Recognized Influencer Tip #2: Be Different Than The Others

It is called “bringing something new to the table.”

Elon Musk was interviewed about the reasoning people use in their social and blog posting:

  • Analogy – This is when people look at what has worked before and only use those methods. That is why you see similar blog posts saying the same things in different ways.
  • First Principles – Instead of just basing off past success or failure, this person looks at goals and objectives and bases their decisions only on those.

My opinion is, we should use both approaches. While we should examine what has worked (and hasn’t) in the past, we should always bring something new and different in that makes our followers think.

You just want to be a little different from the rest.

Becoming A Recognized Influencer Tip #3: Tell Your Story

When people come to read posts at, they are not coming to hear stories about other entrepreneurs.

Sure, you can slip one in here and there, but the majority of stories need to be about you.

  • How did you get to where you are?
  • Who supported you along the way?
  • What tools did you use?
  • What successes did you have?
  • Failures?

Tell your story like I did in my book To The Top! – Yea, I had to plug it here!

Becoming A Recognized Influencer Tip #4: Use A Primary Channel

This is another ultra-important tip. So many people spread their influence thin by trying to be active on too many channels…

  • Facebook
  • Reddit
  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • SnapChat
  • Linkedin
  • Pinterest
  • On and On…

Find one you are comfortable with and focus on that channel. Build a huge following there and you can add some secondary channels. But never “let down” your audience on your primary channel.

Becoming A Recognized Influencer Tip #5: Know Your Followers Deeply

Get to know your followers…

  • Ask them questions.
  • Send them congrats on achievements.
  • Give personal birthday and holiday messages.
  • Etc…

Build relationships and you will be amazed as your reach grows deeper and wider.

Becoming A Recognized Influencer Tip #6: Be Authentic

While we all probably have super heroes we love, you need to be real and not try to be the “perfect” super hero.

Be authentic!

Do not just answer a question with a possible answer that may not be right. Tell the person you are not sure. Be real and your followers will be real with you.

Becoming A Recognized Influencer Tip #7: Pay Attention To Trends In Your Industry

Google Trends can be quite helpful for influencers. This will allow you to post early on a trending subject that will most likely be useful to your audience.


I know that if you follow these tips, you can become a leading authority… A recognized influencer and your name and brand will be noticed and known.

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Do you have any questions?

Just post them below and remember… You are on a climb

To The Top!

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Eric Tippetts

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