how to build confidence

Self-Confidence Secrets Of Winners

Self-Confidence Secrets Of Winners

Make yourself a ‘to do’ list. I also tell many of my clients to make a “To Don’t” list as many people struggling to build their beliefs get stuck saying “yes” to often to non productive activities.

All of us require some self-confidence structure from time to time. Part of a positive outlook has a lot to do with how we feel about ourselves. Seeming like we can achieve things we set out to do is very important to feeling great.

It is your task to assist yourself to feel as similar to a winner as possible by making a list that is enjoyable and simple to get done. I suggest extremely simple. Extremely simple….meaning no more than three tasks on your list per day.  You can do much more but the key to feeling happy is to feel like you accomplished what you set out to do today.  If you put a list of 30 tasks and complete 5 of them….you never feel like you accomplished your promise to yourself.  This can be a vicious cycle.

Keep in mind that all of us have skills and gifts. Whether we feel great in these abilities is quite part of believing like a winner.

As ridiculous as this self-confidence structure list making might appear, bear in mind that the subconscious does not care about what is genuine or envisioned. You can then begin including genuine jobs to your list and doing them with the exact same ‘feel great’ mindset you had when you made your practice lists.

If you practice this enjoyable list making, you’ll pertain to consider yourself as a winner. If you forget to compose the list one early morning, compose a ‘done’ list at the end of the day. Simply list ‘wake up’, and so on and mark them off.

A key to believing you are a winner is to invest time in yourself with gaining knowledge or value that you can share with others.  There is a saying, “readers are leaders”.  This is very important to gaining confidence in yourself and the value you provide to relationships that you have.

A very important step is to also surround yourself with winners.  You WILL become (or have already become) your 5 closest friends.  It’s just natural that you start to think, act, share, and become like each other.  Like attracts Like.  ALWAYS!  It just takes time but if you are spending time with winners or doer’s….they set a pace that you start to get in flow with.  This is critical!

I am also a big affirmations person to help focus my thoughts on the positive results.  Here are some good affirmations:

Build Self-Confidence Through Positive Affirmations

Affirmations and mantras are simple yet powerful tools to help you improve your self-esteem. This method of self-talk can be used at any time and will reinforce your positive thinking. Here are ten of my favorite motivational mantras:

1. Focus on who you are.
2. Nothing lasts forever. The bad will pass.
3. Don’t let anyone steal your happiness.
4. It’s all good! You’ve got this.
5. Action conquers fear.
6. Don’t wish for it; work for it.
7. Stop asking for permission to be great.
8. One year equals 365 possibilities.
9. It is the start that stops most people.
10. Tough times don’t last; tough people do.

Being a winner is really an internal journey to being happy with who you are as a human and the limitless opportunities you have to discover.

Enjoy the journey!

To The Top!

Eric Tippetts





The Abundance Pub

Rocket Recruiting

Ps.  Check out some recent Press Releases on our new Rocket Recruiting V.3 

Also, the launch of The Abundance Pub

Eric Tippetts

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