how to make an impossible dream come true

4 Strategies To Turn Your Entrepreneurial Dreams Into Successful Realities

entrepreneurial dreams

I would be willing to say that 85 – 90% of people dream of starting their own business. But maybe 10% at most actually follow through with that dream.


Because so many people are taught to believe that dreams are just that… Dreams. They are told that their dreams can never be reality.

But as people like yours truly begin showing people that dreams can be reality, more and more people are discarding the negatives that their family and friends tell them about dreams not being real.

I know this because of the many people who approached after reading my book To The Top and stated that they were going to follow thru with their entrepreneurial dreams thanks to the encouragement they gained after reading the book.

I do hope you will read the book but to get you started, here are 4 strategies to turn your entrepreneurial dreams into successful realities.

Turn Your Entrepreneurial Dreams Into Successful Realities Strategy #1: Find Some Team Players

Our chief want in life, is someone who shall make us do what we can. This is the service of a friend. With him, we are easily great.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Okay, you have an idea… Or several. But it is much easier to get a start up going with more than 1 person.

Get out and network. Find others who have similar visions and are strong where you are weak.

Now, I am not necessarily saying you need to have business partners. It could be freelancers, contractors, family members, friends… Nearly anyone who is willing to follow the vision you have.

Turn Your Entrepreneurial Dreams Into Successful Realities Strategy #2: What Makes Your Product Or Service Unique?

There is always room at the top.” Daniel Webster

This is a question I strongly suggest you answer before you start the business. Because it is the answer to that question which will generate sales and investors.

One thing to remember is, you can have a similar product or service as another company, but you must find a way to explain how yours is different from the competitor.

Read these too:
  1. 4 Tips For Achieving And Living Your Dreams
  2. You Can Either Live Your Dreams or Live Your Fears. It’s Your Choice!
  3. 6 Ways To Leap On The Other Side Of Fear – To The Top Tuesday

Turn Your Entrepreneurial Dreams Into Successful Realities Strategy #3: You Will Have To Take Risks

The only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” Mark Zuckerberg

take risks

Attaining your dreams means crawling out from under the “comfort rock” you have been hiding under.

There are risks you will have to take. But they should be calculated risks. Weigh the odds to see if the risk has a good chance of “winning” if you do the work.

Turn Your Entrepreneurial Dreams Into Successful Realities Strategy #4: Create, Build And Promote

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” Walt Disney

The fact is, this should be the top priorities if you truly want your entrepreneurial dream to become a successful reality.

It won’t be perfect, but by getting it “out there,” you will be able to realize your dream and you can work at perfecting it as time moves forward.


My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal. We never lose, somehow we win out.” Ronald Reagan

Turning your entrepreneurial dreams into successful realities is not hard if you have passion, persistence and a willingness to do what needs to be done.

I want to reiterate that you can see how my dreams are being realized in my book To The Top.

Get the paperback version here or,

Get the audio version here.

Let’s work together and bring your dreams…

To The Top!

eric tippets

Eric Tippetts

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