industry influencers

7 Tips That Will Help You Become An Influencer

When you consider your particular industry, what names come immediately to mind?

  • Network marketing – Ray Higdon… Eric Worre… Todd Falcone
  • Food – Jamie Oliver… Sarah Philips… David Chang
  • Health – Glen Gilmore… Dr Axe… Shawn Riley
  • Social media – Gary Vaynerchuk… Mari Smith… Jason Eng

These influencers have millions of followers on their blogs, websites and social pages. When they write or speak, people listen!

Influencers can build or destroy a brand in the matter of days. And they make money doing so.

You can be an influencer too! Here are 7 tips that will help you become an influencer.

Become An Influencer Tip #1: Use Your Passion

What is it you love? Maybe you are an expert gardener… Or you have a knack at putting together model airplanes… Could it be you have always been addicted to baseball and can name stats off the top of your head?

The first key in becoming an influencer is finding what you really love… What is your passion… What drives you…

Make that your area of influence and you have your starting block for becoming an influencer.

Become An Influencer Tip #2: Start Creating High Quality Content

Influencers have content unmatched by anyone else. It is unique and ultra high quality.

They develop content that people just have to read… And they add high quality images, graphs, charts, infographics and more.

It is this content that will draw you a following.

Hopefully, you already have a blog, and you can propose content to influential websites like:

  • Forbes
  • Entrepreneur
  • Huffington Post
  • Etc…

Become An Influencer Tip #3: Be Seen Everywhere

How do they do it? They write a 2,000 word blog post while they are answering a question on their Facebook page and posting a photo on Instagram. And dare I say they are Tweeting at the same time?

It is by using notifications, opening multiple tabs and yes, they have trained virtual assistants too.

When you see this person’s face and high quality messages everywhere, you will remember them.

Become An Influencer Tip #4: Have A Consistent Plan

If you are haphazardly posting on your blog, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, or anywhere else, the odds of you becoming an influencer are quite low.

You need to have a plan… A consistency plan.

Your followers will expect posts at certain times and certain days. Try to maintain that schedule consistently. When you do so, you can grow into an influencer in your industry.

Become An Influencer Tip #5: Don’t Follow The Crowd

Just because so and so posts about a subject and has a ton of attention does not mean you should try to post about the same subject.

Influencers follow their gut instinct and post about what is on their heart and mind.

Elon Musk calls it the First Principles Thinking approach. It has set him apart and it will you too.

Become An Influencer Tip #6: Comment Elsewhere

I suggest you have Google Alerts set up and when someone mentions a keyword or phrase on their blog, or on a social media post, go there and offer your two cents.

This is a part of being seen everywhere.

And as followers of that person see your great answers and opinions, they will follow you.

Become An Influencer Tip #7: Collaborate With Other Influencers

I do it quite often with my friends and partners, Ray Higdon and Todd Falcone. And our followers intermingle.

Other influencers can help lift your influence, so don’t be fearful in approaching them.

Exchange posts and information… It is a win-win for both.


With persistence, a smile, your wisdom and high quality, educational material, and by following the 7 tips I gave you here, you can become an influencer that others will look to.

I hope this helps you. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to post them in the comment section below.

You know, I mentioned collaborating with Ray Higdon and Todd Falcone. We do so at Rocket Recruiting. If you want to be part of the great things happening there, I suggest you pop over at this link and sign up.

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