inspiration vs motivation

8 Inspiration Methods For Entrepreneurs – To The Top Tuesday

Motivation and inspiration are 2 completely different things.

You can have motivation without inspiration but it is quite difficult to have inspiration without motivation.

It is my firm stance that true motivation can only come from within, while inspiration can come from inside or outside. You see, I highly doubt that any person, place or thing other than the person looking at you in the mirror can motivate you.

But we can gain inspiration from anywhere, anything at any time. But there are times, inspiration can be fleeting; like a best-selling author who has moments with no words to write.

To help you, here are 8 inspiration methods.


Inspiration Method #1: Write

How could I not put this first on the list since I mentioned the author?

No matter what, when or why, just keep a notebook and pen on you and write down every thought, dream or idea that enters your brain.

You need not dwell on it while you are “in the zone,” but when inspiration seems to be hidden behind a cloud, just go back through your notebook.

At least one of your entries is bound to inspire you.

Inspiration Method #2: Look To The Past

Study the past, if you would divine the future.” Confucius

While many entrepreneurs are looking for futuristic possibilities, I would suggest you just may find inspiration in the past.

What old invention could you take inspiration from and turn into a new design that solves problems?

It has once been said that there is nothing new on the face of the Earth, it is just redesigned to give the impression of being new.

Maybe it is a great time to visit a nearby antique store.

Inspiration Method #3: Change Your Scenery

This is a huge method! I know that because I am consistently changing my surroundings, I gain a ton of inspiration. Sometimes that inspiration may overwhelm the people around me as the ideas just pour out like a waterfall.

If you are uninspired, maybe you should go

  • Hiking in the Rocky Mountains
  • Take a Mexican siesta in Cabo San Lucas
  • Fly to Hong Kong
  • Or just go on a fishing excursion near home.

Just a simple change of scenery can fire up inspiring ideas.

Inspiration Method #4: A Tribal Brainstorm Session

Creativity is not the domain of one single person. Through free-association of thoughts and brainstorming, an accidental suggestion can be the best solution.” Joshua Fernandez

What happens when you put 5, 8, 10 or more creative minds together when you are feeling uninspired?


Believe me, there will be some in that group who are inspired. As they start speaking their thoughts and ideas, it will be like David Copperfield pulling that magical inspirational “bunny” out of your brain.

What’s more, you can brainstorm via technology. No need to be all in one city!

Inspiration Method #5: Read

Find a book, blog post, newspaper… Just find stuff to read on a daily basis.

The material you read can range from futuristic to an old Western, it really need not matter.

Reading “fires up” our thoughts and can enliven our creativity.

I suggest you schedule a certain amount of time each day to read.

Inspiration Method #6: Exercise

You may be completely surprised what an early morning jog or bike ride will do for your inspiration powers.

Or hit the gym and lift some weights.

Exercise is a great way to move you into the inspiration “zone.”

Inspiration Method #7: Music

Music – The one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind but which mankind cannot comprehend.” Ludwig van Beethoven

Some entrepreneurs gain heavy inspiration from heavy metal music while others are inspired by a touch of jazz.

Try putting your favorite blend of music on and drown in the sound and let your inspiration come.

Inspiration Method #8: Delegate Some Of Your Current Tasks

I have discovered that as entrepreneurs, we can often lose our inspiration because we are so “caught up” in everyday tasks that are overwhelming our thought processes making it difficult to find the creative side.

Try making a list of all the tasks you are doing.

Now go through that list and determine which tasks could be handled by someone else.

Either delegate those tasks or contract a freelancer or virtual assistant and you will free much of your creative “data space,” allowing you to find inspiration.

Did This Help?

Are you feeling the inspiration?

I know that if you follow even one or more of these methods, you will get inspired.

You know, I mentioned reading earlier in this post and I want to help inspire you with my book: To The Top. The cost is only for shipping and handling and it will provide you with a blueprint for wealth.

Get “To The Top” Here.

I would love to hear what inspires you… Please share it with us in the comment section below. And please share this with your social friends too.

Much love and inspiration…

To The Top!

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Eric Tippetts

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