mlm recruiting tips

“StripLining”! This One Technique Will Explode Your MLM Recruiting!

“Strip Lining”!  This One Technique Will Explode Your MLM Recruiting!

“Strip lining” is a fisherman’s term… it is the difference between a Pro Fisherman and an Amateur Fisherman.

This technique is also used as an MLM recruiting strategy. And it means the difference between you pushing people away from your business, and having them chase you down to join!

This is one of the most powerful technique’s I teach, enjoy!

Kind regards,

@erictippetts (twitter)

Retention, Retention, Retention – 3 Ways To Increase it!

People are always so focused on Recruiting, and that’s great but if you don’t help everyone you’ve sponsored become profitable month 1 or 2, you will have a very high retention issue.

Learn how to show your team, it will cost them MORE to leave the business that to stay IN the business.

Remember, people buy Emotionally. They Justify Factually! If a business is “costing” them money they will be at risk to drop out.

Lots more information to come…..

Have a great day!


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If you can see it. You can BE it! Mindset is #1 to succeeding in a Network Marketing Business

I am going to have a lot more to come on the “mindset” of a winner and how it equates to money. Most of us don’t realize the limiting beliefs we have that are holding us back in accomplishing all the things in life that truly are possible. Nothing is “impossible”…the word itself says “I’m Possible”. More to come on this subject.
Have a great day!

Don’t miss Eric Tippetts on the Cash Flow Show Radio.

“How To Recruit By Leading With The Tax Savings”
Eric Tippetts, President of the “Ignite your Earning Power”

Wed. August 8th @ 5 PM PST | 8 PM EST Time
Live Worldwide!

Don’t miss this show! I am really excited about this topic and our speaker, Eric Tippetts!

A recruiting technique so simple
that you will be an expert at sharing the “2 Income – 1 Effort” benefit of direct sales by the end of the show!!

Eric Tippetts helps entrepreneur’s quickly become profitable. He has appeared on numerous TV Shows including Good Things Utah, Fox Business News, ESPN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and many more. READ More!

We have a REALLY cool announcement to go with the topic that will revolutionize your business!!

Listen worldwide August 8th – 5 PM PST | 8 PM EST:

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Deb lives in PA so compare your time to 8:00 PM EST.

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Recruiting By Leading With Tax Savings

Don’t miss this radio show! Aug. 8th at 5 pm pst, 8 pm est.

VIDEO: Simple Way to Shift Power from “Buyer” to “Seller” with this 1 Tip!

If you think of the Real Estate profession and I ask you, “who has the power, the buyer or the seller?”

Everyone would answer, the Buyer….right? That’s typically true because they hold the Money.

This is the same in the Network Marketing profession….I get asked all the time “Why do I have such a hard time convincing people to join my business?”….and I tell them, because you must not have a high level of perceived value to your prospect.

There are only two ways to shift the power to You…the “seller”. One, is to have made a lot of money and recognition in your home business….you can show paychecks with $10’s of thousands of dollars and cars, boats, homes, planes, etc….This provides alot of power because people want that lifestyle, they want that dream!

Now, the rest of the 97% that does not have that power…the second way to shift the power from the buyer to the seller is “Information” or “knowledge” into a subject of HIGH VALUE to your prospect.

Think of it this way….if your prospect was one month away from filing bankruptcy and you had “information” about a simple proven solution that works EVERYTIME….who has the Power?

Information is SOOOOO powerful! The challenge is most Network Marketers think they can join a home business and that the product will sell itself…it doesn’t. People buy from people they like, trust, respect, and VALUE!!

You will hear me say all the time…”Leaders are Readers”! This is because they are constantly learning new ideas, tips, insights, relationship cues, etc….this information is priceless and is why people value them and want to learn from them.

I am going to give you some of THE most powerful information for free right now. This is from Kiplingers magazine and there are two tools that 95% of Americans don’t understand and know….which will change their lives!

Click here to check it out:

(see the links right below the video)



Eric Tippetts

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