network marketing tips and tools to help recruit

The “Power 50” award – I made it on the list!!

I am honored and humbled today as I just learned that I made the Top 50 on the coveted award of “Top 50 most powerful, most influential people in Direct Selling and Network Marketing Worldwide.” (see image below)

POWER 50 V_mag 1 page

For over 7 years I have been working hard to listen, learn, and create tools, content, insights, and friendships to help the profession of Direct Selling/Network Marketing raise the bar and become a well respected profession to change people’s lives in a positive way.

I have so many mentors and partners to thank for helping me grow not only professionally but as a person, a husband, and a father.  I truly have “You” to thank and share this award with each of you….We Did It!

In 2013 I have so much more content and tools being developed to continue my mission to help you “Master the Irresistible Offer” and give you simple ideas, content, and tools to do this.

Our most exciting product yet, is the release of our new “Rocket Recruiting App” –  .  I have never seen a product have an immediate impact on recruiting and showing prospects “why” they need a home business…this is hands down, THE BEST door opener!

We are also updating The Expense Tracker – to now include a “leads” store…our clients now have access to real time, targeted and qualified leads right to their replicated sites or sent via an email.  Check out for more information.

We are also about to release a proprietary “Money Personality” profiler.  I want to give people a simple way to learn about themselves and why they attract money in their lives or push it away.  This is the core foundation to build a successful business from.  More to come on this….

Thank you again for all your support and I can’t wait to meet many of you at upcoming events and webinars.

God bless,



If you can see it. You can BE it! Mindset is #1 to succeeding in a Network Marketing Business

I am going to have a lot more to come on the “mindset” of a winner and how it equates to money. Most of us don’t realize the limiting beliefs we have that are holding us back in accomplishing all the things in life that truly are possible. Nothing is “impossible”…the word itself says “I’m Possible”. More to come on this subject.
Have a great day!

Don’t miss Eric Tippetts on the Cash Flow Show Radio.

“How To Recruit By Leading With The Tax Savings”
Eric Tippetts, President of the “Ignite your Earning Power”

Wed. August 8th @ 5 PM PST | 8 PM EST Time
Live Worldwide!

Don’t miss this show! I am really excited about this topic and our speaker, Eric Tippetts!

A recruiting technique so simple
that you will be an expert at sharing the “2 Income – 1 Effort” benefit of direct sales by the end of the show!!

Eric Tippetts helps entrepreneur’s quickly become profitable. He has appeared on numerous TV Shows including Good Things Utah, Fox Business News, ESPN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and many more. READ More!

We have a REALLY cool announcement to go with the topic that will revolutionize your business!!

Listen worldwide August 8th – 5 PM PST | 8 PM EST:

Visit Host Page To Listen Live & Replay FREE Worldwide – Check Schedule or Get Smartphone App:

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Deb lives in PA so compare your time to 8:00 PM EST.

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The Expense Tracker named “Top Financial product” for Direct Sellers in 2012 by Direct Selling Live

I am very proud of how The Expense Tracker is evolving every week/month/year in becoming the Top Expense Management product for Direct Sellers to help with Recruiting, Retention, and Money Magnetism for Distributors around the world!
I also built the “7 Days to Profitability” email training course that arrives daily in your email box and trains you how to use The Expense Tracker in small bites each and every day, which equal success within 7 days of joining a home business. I am very proud of this training course and I am building more tools and providing more content every week.
If you have not discovered the power The Expense Tracker can provide you in your Home Business….Try it today –

Kind regards,
Eric Tippetts

Simple Recruiting Phone App – Guaranteed To Work!

3 Reasons Why This Recruiting Phone App works:

1.The most successful Network Marketer, “lead with a lending hand” (you will see this in minute 1 of video). 97% of network marketers “ask” before they ever “give”…what if you could give everyone that works a 9-5 job an immediate raise on their next paycheck by joining your home business without any money out of their pocket.

2.This product will help you capture your prospects contact information and keep it organized and reminds you when to call them – (see how within minute 4)

Third, for IRS compliance, you need to show you have “the intent to make a profit” which this simple tool provides (see within minute 5).

I have testimonials of reps going from recruiting 7 people in one year to 93 people in one month using this simple phone app.

You can get this recruiting mobile web app at

Have Fun and Enjoy the Success!


p.s. Interested in providing this simple App to your team and making some residual cash…I create a 50/50 revenue share for referrals…ask me how today! – Free “7 days to profitability” training course

If you want to grow your home business…grow your people!

I watch so many people focus consistently on recruiting but remember, this is a business of duplication and making others successful as well.
Stop and make sure you are helping everyone on your team grow and learn how to be successful in their business.

Eric Tippetts

Get Started! We will send you a special gift to your email address after you see your score on the results page.