selling tips

8 Solopreneur Sales Tips

The name of the game is sales! No matter the type of business, sales are the top priority. So the solopreneur must sell to keep their business flowing smoothly, but one of the top issues I hear solopreneurs speak is that selling is not one of their better skills. The fact is – if a solopreneur wants to survive in their endeavors, they must sell. And, since they are CEO, CFO and all other business leadership positions, the inclusion of sales manager and sales force means the solopreneur must sell

So, here are 8 solopreneur sales tips to help you grow your business:

Solopreneur Sales Tips #1: Know Your Potential Customers

Just to put this in perspective, selling titanium to a woodpecker is not worth trying. But many solopreneurs and entrepreneurs are trying to sell in using that system. They develop a service or product and just proceed to talk and talk… to people who have no need or desire for the item they are trying to sell.

You need to know the target market. What do they need physically? What do they want emotionally? If you understand the potential customer, you will develop to fit their needs and you will get sales.

Solopreneur Sales Tips #2: Sell Yourself

Many expert sales people will tell you that if a person likes the salesperson, they will bend over backwards to purchase something from the person.

Truth be told, if that woodpecker really does like you, he just may buy a piece of titanium. I still preach #1, but help your sales percentages by selling yourself.

Solopreneur Sales Tips #3: What Is Your Why?

To really build a strong sales funnel, it is important that you have you and your brand’s why established. Consumers tend to buy from businesses that have a bigger picture in mind. They have a plan to help mankind in one form or another.

So what is your why? How will you, your brand and your product change the world?

Solopreneur Sales Tips #4: Determine Each Problem The Product Or Service Will Solve

This is a great time to have a brainstorm session. Call upon your friends and family to honestly tell you what problems they believe your product or service will solve.

Armed with this list, when you approach prospects and listen to them, their problems will rise to the surface. Search your list and explain to the prospect how your item can help them.

There is no need to go through the complete list with prospects because they are only interested in solving the problems they have.

Solopreneur Sales Tips #5: How Does Your Product Or Service Have More Value Than The Competitor?

This goes hand-in-hand with tip #4; you must be able to explain how your product or service adds more benefits for the prospect in comparison to your competitor. If your product does not have added value, what are you going to add to make the sale more valuable to the consumer?

Solopreneur Sales Tips #6: Go…Do…Be – Where…What…Like – The Prospect

That headline may have you shaking your head in wonder… Let me open your eyes:

  • Go where the prospects are – If your target market is regularly at the gym, join the gym. If they play Bingo, start playing Bingo. Do you understand?
  • Do what the prospect does – If your target market are bicycle riders, are you out riding your bike?
  • Be like the prospect – Use the products that your target market uses. This way you can find how to make them better.

The key here is empathy. Put yourself in the shoes of the people you are helping… The people you will sell to.

Solopreneur Sales Tips #7: Build Your Online Presence And Reputation

It is important that you show you are an expert in the niche area you have developed your product or service in. You can do this best by building your presence online and offering valuable information. Be choosy about what you share and wise with what you post.

In these days of the internet, consumers will often do a Google search for you, your brand and your product before they agree to purchase from you.

Solopreneur Sales Tips #8: Develop Relationships

Be it online or offline, it is important that you develop relationships with your target market. Just because they do not purchase from you immediately, as you build relationships with them, in time they will realize that your product or service can help them solve their issues.

Help them with solid tips and advice for free.

Do not fear talking about areas other than just business. Just be cautious with politics and religion.


By following these solopreneur sales tips, you will gain a foothold in one of the most important areas of managing your business. After all without sales, you really do not have a business.

To help you even further with solopreneur success, I highly recommend getting a limited time discounted access to the Home Business Success Kit – It is 3 tools in one and you can find out more, and get yours here.

Use the above tips and all the tools in the Home Business Success Kit and you will climb to stardom as a solopreneur.

So with that, I will see you

At The Top!

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Eric Tippetts

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