shake law

Solopreneur Tools: Consider These 8 Best

Are you the business “Lone Ranger?” Is there even a “Tonto” nearby? I understand; as a solopreneur, you have taken on responsibilities that can be both exciting and frightening. And, there are certain aspects of any business that can baffle us.

My first suggestion is keep learning and utilize outsourcing to cover some of the areas where you are less competent.

And use the solopreneur tools available to you!

Just as a carpenter would not go to work without a hammer or a plumber without a pipe wrench, a solopreneur has various tools available that can make their jobs much easier.

So in today’s post, I am going to share 8 tools that will give your clients the impression that you have a team of employees.

Solopreneur Tools #1 – The Expense Tracker

When I became an entrepreneur, I discovered that managing finances was one of the most difficult aspects. While revenues were rolling in, expenses were rolling out, and they often seemed to surpass my expectations. But I would not realize it until I examined my credit card statement.

Also, taxes seemed to be a hair-pulling event.

There had to be an easier way to control the stress involved with managing finances as an entrepreneur; a light bulb came on and I, along with a team of experts developed what is known as The Expense Tracker.

Solopreneurs who have used The Expense Tracker have claimed an amazing turn-around in their business financial stability.

I am so sure you will love this tool, I provide a 7 day free trial. Just click here.

Solopreneur Tools #2 – Mozy

Have you ever considered the implications if a disaster happened? All those computer files? Sure, you may have your files on a disc or USB drive, but what if something happens with those too?

The cloud is your best bet and Mozy offers a variety of both free and paid plans. I highly recommend this cloud based storage where your files will be safe and secure. You can learn more here.

Solopreneur Tools #3 – Shake Law

The days of a handshake in business have went elsewhere. There needs to be contracts to ensure that both parties are living up to their agreements. But hiring an attorney to develop a contract can be extremely expensive.

There is no need to visit your attorney’s office. Just visit Shake Law and just by answering questions, the system will draw up a legally binding contract. Just send it to the client for a digital signature and you are covered legally.

Just visit their website here.

Solopreneur Tools #4 – Join Me

While Skype works great for meeting with individual people, full meetings of up to 10 people can be managed through Join Me. Plus you can share your computer screen so everyone can view what you are viewing.

It is a perfect meeting application to meet with people anywhere, anytime. Learn more here.

Solopreneur Tools #5 – Infusionsoft

Infusionsoft is an excellent software to manage your lead capture system and sales funnel. Managing ecommerce can be quite time consuming. It is a very important aspect of the solopreneur’s business, so you want to know you have the best of the best managing it for you.

I use Infusionsoft, and I highly recommend that you use them too. See more here.

Solopreneur Tools #6 – Grammarly

One task that is often handled by solopreneurs is the creation of their own content. Even if it is outsourced to a freelancer, we want to ensure that it is correct grammar wise. After all, it could be embarrassing if our High School English teacher catches a misplaced comma and jumps into the comment area and slaps us with a ruler.

Grammarly offers both free and paid plans to guarantee the content you publish passes the teacher test. Get yours here.

Solopreneur Tools #7 – BidSketch

The creation of proposals can take hours upon hours. This can slow down a solopreneur dramatically, but BidSketch has made the process much easier. And the cost is reasonable.

If bidding is slowing you down, I suggest you check out BidSketch here.

Solopreneur Tools #8 – Portent Idea Generator

Do you ever get those moments that your brain goes slightly foggy? We all do!

Sometimes coming up with titles or headlines for articles and blog posts can be frustrating. This tool is ultra-helpful. Just type in your keyword and choose from one of the titles the Portent Idea Generator provides.

Just for fun, I typed solopreneurs in and received: 7 Secrets About Solopreneurs The Government Is Hiding.

Maybe that will be my next post… Check out this tool here.


So do you currently use any of these tools? Please tell us how they are helping you.

If you know of any other tools that would be helpful for solopreneurs, feel free to share them below too.

Thank you for stopping by today and be sure to keep coming back. Plus, please share this with all your solopreneur friends. You can do so with the social media buttons below.

All the best and may your solopreneur business go:

To The Top!

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Eric Tippetts

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