telling stories for sales

Master The Art Of Storytelling

Experts all agree that entrepreneurs who master the art of storytelling have higher rates of success. While graphs and charts do wonders in presentations, they are still far under the response level a great story will attain.

After all, who doesn’t love a story?

Entrepreneurs must know how to be effective communicators. Storytelling will play a major part in gaining customers. But storytelling also plays a roll for entrepreneurs when communicating with

  • Potential investors
  • Vendors
  • Partners
  • And the team

I have decided to give you tips and advice to help you master the art of storytelling.

The Art Of Storytelling Tip #1: The Right Story For The Audience

You should have multiple stories stored up. Depending on the audience, you will want to use a story that pertains to your audience and what you want to achieve.

With investors, your story could be how your Grandfather loaned you $20 and you invested in golf tees and sold them to golfers stating they were “wonder tees.”

You may have a story for your team that goes back to the days of school and how your basketball coach turned a bunch of ruffians into a solid team.

The Art Of Storytelling Tip #2: Know The End Before You Begin

Going right along with tip #1, you want to have the end goal drawn up. What is the objective of your story? You do not want to take your audience on a hike around a lake and force them to swim back. You should have a boat with wine and lobster awaiting them.

Do you understand?

The Art Of Storytelling Tip #3: Have A One-Liner

Having a powerful one-liner will grab the attention of people and make them want to hear your story.

“Using items people toss in the trash daily, we designed a product that takes the stress out of deadlines…”

“Living in poverty in Los Angeles, I challenged myself to rise to the top and to help others do the same.”

Those are just 2 examples. As you can see, they leave you asking the questions who, why, what, when and how. This is when the entrepreneur can tell his/her story.

The Art Of Storytelling Tip #4: Choose The Right Time And Place

You have to choose the time and place to tell your story carefully. If you try to tell it during moments when the listener can be interrupted, it is highly unlikely the listener will catch the whole story.

Try to tell your story in a place and at a time with the least distractions.

The Art Of Storytelling Tip #5: Have A Central Character

Every great story has a main character. Just think like Agatha Christie or Mark Twain. Have a primary character be it you, a past customer or some other persona.

Keep the character in the action of the complete story.

The Art Of Storytelling Tip #6: Story Sources Are All Around You

As an entrepreneur, you will discover sources for stories all the time. You may have to splice various actions together to come up with a story, so I strongly suggest keeping a notepad or using your smartphone to record or write the various cool things you encounter on any given day.

The Art Of Storytelling Tip #7: Be Authentic

You have to be in the right state

  • Mentally
  • Emotionally
  • and Physically

to tell a good story. A great story means being authentic and telling the story with conviction and enthusiasm. Use humor, sadness, excitement… Use what makes your story turn the listener’s mind into a huge screen where they can see the action unfolding in front of them from your words.

The Art Of Storytelling Tip #8: Practice

It never hurts to ask your spouse, children, friend or other family member to listen to your story. Ask them for honest feedback. Accept the feedback and make changes to your story as you receive critique.

The Art Of Storytelling Tip #9: Body Movements

I like to say that as you are telling your story, allow your body to dance with the rhythm of that story. Eye, hand and hip movements can give the story a more intense message. Let your body flow with the story. This also includes your eyes, mouth and facial expressions.

The Art Of Storytelling Tip #10: The Call To Action

The whole point in telling the story is to get the listener to do something. It is essentially a “close” in a sales pitch. So do not neglect the call to action. It is the only way they will do what you want… The listener is not a mind reader.

“This is why I wrote the book To The Top! You can get your copy at the back table or just go to this link.”

That was an example of a call to action I may use at a speaking engagement after I told my story.

And, by the way, you should get the book too. After all, that is what this post is all about… Creating the story to climb To The Top… so pick up your copy here.


So what is your story? Why not sit down and draft your first story now?

Do not think it is boring because only the listener can judge that. The storyteller cannot be the judge. Just tell your story and great surprises will come your way.

To The Top!

eric tippets

Eric Tippetts

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