telling strangers about business opportunity

Approaching Strangers About Your Business Opportunity

When, Where and How?

I believe 99% of us have been told either by our parents or guardians, teachers or law enforcement that approaching strangers is not wise.

But as entrepreneurs, as home based business owners, approaching strangers is how we can grow our business to amazing heights.

I have noticed a common denominator with many entrepreneurs; they have no issue with approaching their “warm market.” The warm market are those friends and family they have known for some time.

But a large percentage of home based business entrepreneurs have a deep-seeded fear of approaching strangers about the business opportunity. This fear primarily comes in the fact that they just do not understand when, where and how to approach a stranger.

In today’s post, I am going to help you with some basic tips.

Approaching Strangers About Your Business Opportunity – WHEN?

I am tempted to tell you that the answer to this question is anytime. But I believe that may be slightly misleading. There can be times when approaching strangers about the business opportunity would be improper and possibly even immoral.

I recommend that you use 2 things that many people do not use as much as they should:

  1. Common Sense
  2. Empathy

When I say common sense, just look deep and ask yourself if the timing is right. I don’t believe a funeral or any other emotionally charged moment is a great place to share your business opportunity.

Just use empathy… If you were in the stranger’s position, would you be open to a stranger telling you about their business opportunity? I guarantee that if you use both common sense and empathy, when to approach a stranger will be simple.

Approaching Strangers About Your Business Opportunity – WHERE?

I know that many sponsors and network marketing leaders would immediately answer anywhere and everywhere. I completely disagree with that thought pattern. Just as I stated in the WHEN zone, you just shouldn’t approach strangers at certain places and times.

But there are many places where approaching strangers can be accomplished:

  • The doctor’s office
  • In a shopping line
  • At a bus or train stop
  • Waiters or waitresses
  • and many more!

Again, it takes a measure of common sense. If the stranger in the doctor’s office seems agitated or depressed, you may want to really consider if the timing would be right. If in a shopping line, the person is alone and not in conversation with another person, it may be a good place; the same is true with bus or train stops.

Just use common sense and empathy. The answer to where can be wide open if you use your thought process.

Approaching Strangers About Your Business Opportunity – HOW?

I will start by telling you that if you approach a stranger and immediately lead with your business opportunity, you will probably get “shot down.”

It is actually a simple process. Let’s look at a basic system on approaching strangers:

  1. Compliment: You need to lead the conversation with a compliment that is genuine. Believe me people know fake compliments. Just consider the compliment before you give it. “Nice tie,” or “Those are pretty earrings,” just use a compliment that fits the moment.
  2. Small-talk questions: Now it makes sense to just make small-talk and while doing so, you can pre-qualify the prospect. “What kind of work do you do?” “Where are you from?” “Where did you go to school?” Just simple questions that tells you more about the person and also answer their questions of you.
  3. Now the non high pressure moment: Simply tell the person, “I was wondering, would you be interested in a money-making side project as long as it did not interfere with your current job?”

You will usually get one of these responses:

  • No thank you – Let them go and wish them a great day.
  • What is it?
  • Or Sure!

With the 2 last responses, this is not the time or place to complete the presentation. I suggest you just simply get the person’s contact information and use the 3rd party tools your business opportunity has available. Tell the person you have another commitment, but you will send the info for them to view and schedule a time to follow up with them.

It IS that easy!

The idea is to keep the prospect curious and wanting more…


Okay, I know there will be some people who say, “Eric, you make this sound so easy but I am introverted and have a difficult time approaching strangers.”

I must say that I feel for you; I will not tell you that I understand because I am not introverted. But in seeing this issue, we developed a tool that can help you with this problem of approaching strangers.

Rocket Recruiting is an application that takes the resistance and rejection out and allows you to build your home based business using a pre-made sales funnel that works. So many network marketers have given high praises for the Rocket Recruiting app. I created a webinar to show you how to use this tool to your advantage. Just click here to join that webinar for free and get Rocket Recruiting as your approaching strangers go-to tool.

If you have any questions, just post them below.

Thank you for stopping in today… Let’s take your business

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Eric Tippetts

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