word of mouth marketing

7 Marketing Strategies That Work

What good is your idea if it isn’t directly in front of the people who will buy it? That is what marketing is all about. But some marketing strategies are costly… much too costly for us entrepreneurs.

  • A billboard – Around $10,000 for 4 weeks
  • A national television commercial – 30 seconds for $300,000+
  • You could possibly run a radio ad for $1,000 or so

Those marketing strategies do work, but you need high profit product to make the investment worth your time.

Most entrepreneurs just do not have that kind of marketing budget, so let me share 7 lower cost marketing strategies that do work.

Marketing Strategies #1: Press Release

The media can be your marketing friend at a low cost if done properly. A press release written that describes your why, and what problem you are solving can get into the hands of many journalists and displayed on a lot of media locations.

Costs for a press release are minimal. Unless you know how to write a quality press release yourself, I suggest contracting a freelance press release writer. (if you don’t know any, message me and I will share 1 with you).

There is some cost in a press release service that will get it in the hands of the journalists, but that is quite low too.

Marketing Strategies #2: Social Media

If you are not marketing on various social media channels, you are missing out on a lot of potential profits.

While you can advertise at a cost on social media, you can also market for free or for very little cost.


Create a Facebook fan page around you or your brand. Post educational material with a call to action of visiting your landing page.


Why not set up a free giveaway on Twitter? You will have Tweeters flocking to see what it is all about. What better way to get your product in front of many potential customers quickly.


You can set up a professional Linkedin page and even write educational posts on Linkedin Pulse. Again, have a call to action leading back to a sales page or your website/blog.


Pinterest is a great social site where you should show images of your product and link them back to the location a person can purchase.

Other Social Media Strategic Marketing

Don’t neglect the lesser known and used social media sites either. Sites such as:

  • Instagram
  • Flipboard
  • Digg
  • etc…

Can also provide a great marketing means to sell your products or services.

Marketing Strategies #3: Optimize

Maybe you have a fantastic website and blog. Maybe you are all over social media, but it seems that people are not finding you.

Your problem is probably SEO – Search Engine Optimization

Let’s just say that you developed a titanium wallet that will talk to you instead of having to open it. (wow, did I just come up with a great idea?)

So you have blog posts written about your wallet and a website that cost you $3,000 in development processes. But you are not getting many visitors from the search engines.

Let’s look at your keywords:

  • titanium wallet
  • metal wallet
  • talking wallet
  • wallets

While these keywords should all be left in place, you will want to have more that will be accessed:

  • bulletproof titanium money wallet
  • talking bulletproof wallet
  • theft and bullet safe wallet
  • etc…

Do you see my point? There are many experts in SEO that can help your website been seen by more people. The cost is normally minimal.

Marketing Strategies #4: Post Cards

While all the other entrepreneurs are email marketing, why not look back to the original mail system. No, you don’t have to buy a pony and start riding the Wild West, but creating postcards and buying stamps is a tremendous marketing strategy that does work.

So many people do not even open emails, but nearly everyone looks at the mail sent to them via the United States Postal Service.

You could put a picture of your product and a short reason why your product can help the person. Leave a method where they can purchase and watch the profits roll in.

Marketing Strategies #5: Hook Up With Other Entrepreneurs

Let’s stick with the titanium talking wallets. You know an entrepreneur who sells leather belts and handbags. Why not work together? You offer his goods and he shows your wallets. Everyone wins!

Marketing Strategies #6: Reviews and Testimonials

Find the reviewers who are well accepted. Send them a free product in exchange for an unbiased product review. Yes, you do chance a bad review, but that is a chance worth taking.

You can also ask customers for a testimonial and offer them a discount on their next purchase.

Marketing Strategies #7: Create YouTube Videos

A short and simple video about the strength of titanium with a little metal wallet talking to the viewers during the video is bound to gain huge attention… and sales.

These are just a few great marketing strategies that do work

Give them a try.

And come back and tell us the success it garnered.

Well, I need to go to the lab and work on my new wallet idea. I don’t see where there is one yet. If you want to pre-order, just leave a comment below.

While we are at it, you should check out the To The Top audiobook. You can get it here for only $14.99.

I hope this post gave you some top notch marketing ideas to get out and profit in huge ways.

Let me know what you think below.

To The Top!

Eric Tippetts

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