20 Tips To Help You Create a Prospect Traffic Jam


Tips to Get More Prospects and Customers

Whether you are a network marketing business owner or you sell hot dogs on a street corner, your goal is to have a traffic jam. You want people lined up patiently waiting to attain what you offer.

Now the majority of us hate to drive our vehicles in traffic jams but as entrepreneurs, prospect and customer traffic jams are quite welcome. I speak of traffic jams on

  • Our telephone
  • Face-to-face
  • And our website/blog/capture page

In today’s post, I have put together 20 tips to help you create a prospect and/or customer traffic jam.

I know they will help you so feel free to print it off and follow the traffic jam plan.

20 Traffic Jam Tips

Tip #1: Set Goals

All throughout school and life, we learn that the map to success comes by setting goals. After all, you have to know where the finish line and trophy is.

  • How much traffic do you want?
  • Where do you want revenue levels this week? Next month? For the year?
  • How many prospects do you want to turn into business partners?
  • How many customers do you desire?

Set goals and start following a plan to meet those goals.

Tip #2: Be Yourself

Face it, you are not Ray Higdon or Zig Ziglar. You are not Bill Gates or Warren Buffett; You are you, so be yourself and you will win.

Tip #3: Don’t Take Rejection Personal

An important part of business is learning how to embrace rejection. Within traffic jams, there are those who will escape at the nearest exit. It isn’t you, it is just the moment and what is happening in their lives.

If a prospect or customer says no, just smile and move on. They will come back when the time is right.

Tip #4: Do Not Use High Pressure

When entrepreneurs use high pressure tactics, they take a potential traffic jam down to a low trickle of traffic. The question is: would you rather have traffic similar to Southern California #5 at 4 PM or Wyoming County Road #885 at 2 AM?

Low pressure is the way to go.

Tip #5: Create An Educational Blog

One of the best ways to generate high volumes of traffic is to establish that you are an expert in your entrepreneur niche.

You can do this by starting a blog that educates people. As you teach people, they will want to have more of what you offer and you will create a traffic jam.

By the way, I suggest investing in your own website/blog and not using a free one.

Tip #6: Have A Capture Page

Going right along with #5, you need to develop a capture page. This will allow you to get contact information. I suggest offering a free or low cost item in exchange for the prospect’s contact information. You can then send them special offers and info about new products or services as you develop them.

Tip #7: Use An Auto-Responder

It can be quite difficult to respond to each person when you have a traffic jam. I suggest using an auto-responder that will send out predeveloped emails depending on the information your capture page received.

There are various auto-responder systems such as

  • Aweber
  • Mailchimp
  • and more

Tip #8: Stay Consistent

Consistency in your business is important. If a restaurant is open one day at 10 AM and then opens the next day at 2 PM, people will start going to a restaurant that is open consistent hours.

It works the same way with even home based businesses. If you post on Wednesday to your blog, Tuesday the next week and Friday the next, the traffic will be low. If you are consistent, they will know your posting schedule and will keep coming back.

Tip #9: Make A List Of Everyone You Know

This list is known as your warm market. Now contact each person and just tell them about what you are doing. You need not use high pressure, just share and ask them to visit your blog. Tell them you are here if they want to also become an entrepreneur, and you will help them.

It IS that simple.

Tip #10: Advertise

It only makes good sense to advertise. You can use many venues, but the primary advertising schemes entrepreneurs use are Google Adwords, Facebook ads and ads in publications.

Trust me… Advertising creates traffic jams for advertisers.

Tip #11: Find Bloggers That Will Review Your Product Or Service

There are many bloggers that will provide an unbiased review of your product or service if you just send them it for free.

By doing so, they will put a link to your website, social media or capture page and your entrepreneur traffic will get quite heavy.

Tip #12: Make Informational Videos

In a similar traffic sensation from blogging, creating videos can drive traffic to your capture page too. Use YouTube, Vimeo or other video platforms to create traffic jamming videos.

Tip #13: Know Your Target Market

It is imperative that you know and understand your target market.

An example: if you have weight loss products, you probably do not want to write recipes on making chocolate brownies.

You want to develop content that adheres to the tastes of your target market. By doing so, they will share with their friends and you will get a traffic jam of others within that same target market.

Tip #14: Give Samples

If you have a tangible product, handing out free samples along with a business card that will provide your website will get traffic. This method does work, and many entrepreneurs just ask the person to visit the website and leave a comment of how well they liked the product.

Tip #15: Know The Competition

There is an old statement that says “Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer.”

I am not saying that competition is your enemy, but it is important that you follow what they are doing and you do it bigger and better.

Take traffic from the competition’s highway and put it it on your highway.

Tip #16: Master 1 Strategy At A Time

While I am giving you many tips here, it is wise that you choose a strategy and master it before you move into another strategy. Many new entrepreneurs try to do multiple strategies at one time and they fail because they master none of them.

Tip #17: Drop Cards

Here is another excellent strategy for building traffic. Print up simple cards that are postcard size. Put a simple call to action on the card with your website, capture page, social media and phone number.

Now just drop these cards in prime locations where you know your target market frequents.

I have witnessed drop cards on tables of restaurants, in restrooms, Doctor offices, and in various other places.

People are curious and will pick these up and read them and if they have a “spark of interest,” they will take it with them.

Tip #18: Ask Traffic To Share

Just posting a simple request asking readers to share your material can create a huge traffic jam.

If you ask them to share with others, they will!

And by the way, please share this post with your friends. You can do that at the end.

Tip #19: Use Social Media

It is wise that you have social media pages that are a direct reflection of the business you have. Many successful entrepreneurs have a Facebook page, Twitter page, Linkedin page, etc…, that is based on their business.

Tip #20: Use A Strong Call-To-Action

No matter what, you need to guide people on what they should do next.

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Final Thoughts

By using these tips, you can, and will create a traffic jam. I know they work.

Last but not least, I also have an app that is made to give you a recruiting traffic jam. It is effective and the rejection level is nil.

I know you will love it.

Check out Rocket Recruiting here.

And like I said earlier, please share this post with your friends and family. Give them that helping hand to create traffic jams in their entrepreneurial journey too.

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