Say “Yes” to Get “Yes”. Try This Today!


“If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!”

Richard Branson

I woke up this morning and wanted to try an idea out.  Say “Yes” to everyone and everything.  Lol!  I wanted to see how people reacted when they were met with zero resistance….actually met with compassion, love, and excitement.

Guess what?

People Are Already a “YES”! Stop Getting in the Way!


People who are right for your product or service are ready and willing to buy.

The universe has brought them to you because the two of you are right for each other!

You have what they want.

What gets in the way of this happening more often is our mental not believing it’s possible.  We self sabotage ourselves!

Have you ever been with friends and you are just looking for the right time to “introduce” your home business but your mind keeps telling you…”no, now’s not the right time”…..”what if they laugh at me”…..”what if they reject me”….”will they tell our other friends?”….”probably not a good time for them, they won’t be interested”.   Ever had your mind feeding you these lines of bologne?

We get in our own way with our thoughts.  Our beliefs.  Our pre-determined notion of what you want the outcome to be so you really don’t even listen to what your prospects needs are.

Selling is 90% mental.  10% skill.

(read my other blog on “the truth about prospecting, can you handle it“)

I tell people….if you are getting “no’s”.  Stop Selling.  Start Listening More!  You must be talking AT your prospect…not WITH your prospect.  You are uncomfortable so you continue too talk and talk and talk and tell and talk.


Ask more questions.  What is your prospect interested in.  If you could provide extra income or time or freedom for your prospect.  What would that mean for them?  What is their reason for looking for more time?  What would they do with that extra time?  What do they love to do for fun?

Focus on them…not your mind.


Trust yourself more and enjoy people!

I wanted to give you some creative ways to say “yes”.  This comes from:



There are a few that might get some second looks but hope you enjoyed.  Lol! Enjoy people and say “yes” whenever possible.  It just feels good!

If you enjoyed this Article: Say “Yes” to Get “Yes”.  Try This Today! Please share and comment below.

So much love,


Eric Tippetts

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