9 Tips On Personal Brand Creation And Management – To The Top Tuesday

When the word brand is mentioned, we often think of products. But a human can be branded too.

No, I don’t mean like cattle.

This is a branding similar to a product branding, but you are the brand… The product.

Why would you want to make a brand of yourself?

As entrepreneurs, we are full of creations. By branding yourself, you spread your wings wide and your followers will be more apt to try all your great creations.

And even for people who do not consider themselves entrepreneurs, creating a personal brand will help you stand out from others in job searches and more.

Now you do want to brand each product, but you will attach them to your personal brand.

In today’s post, I am going to provide you with 9 tips on personal brand creation and management.

Personal Brand Creation And Management Tip #1: Get A Website

It takes some investment, but it is well worth every dollar. Build it with your personal brand… Your name or alias.

Now if you are versed in website design and the creation of a website, you can do it yourself. But many entrepreneurs have learned that it can be wiser to just outsource the design and creation.

You will want…

  • A theme that reflects your style
  • Colors and fonts that are appealing and easy on the eyes
  • High quality images
  • Ultra – high quality content that shows you as an expert in your niche

In building your brand, the best place to start is with a website. And, be sure it is mobile friendly because many people are using tablets and smartphones to browse the web.

Personal Brand Creation And Management Tip #2: Get Social

Going right along with starting a website is also building your personal brand on social media. You can add business, entrepreneur or something similar at the end of your name to develop a separate business page.

Learn to share relevant information that reflects on your knowledge. As you do so, people will realize you are an expert and will come to you with their problems so you can solve them.

Personal Brand Creation And Management Tip #3: Determine Your Target Audience

You should have this narrowed down before you even do steps 1 & 2. You want to narrow down who your primary audience will be. Get as specific as possible. By doing so, you will focus on that group’s needs and wants.

You will attract people outside that target, but by focusing on the target, you will gain more attention with less competition.

Personal Brand Creation And Management Tip #4: Partner With Other Brands

By teaming up with other personal brands, you get “double the punch!”

Your followers will be enticed to follow the other and vice versa. There are many other benefits too. You can share knowledge and more.

I have been fortunate to have partnered with some other great brands:

Personal Brand Creation And Management Tip #5: Be The Brand

It is the price of fame; branding yourself does give you a measure of fame. Everywhere you go, you need to be a mirror reflection of your brand.

Where the clothes, have the haircut and style, carry yourself as the brand deems you should.

Personal Brand Creation And Management Tip #6: Be Authentic

Don’t try to be something you are not.

You don’t have to be the right thing for everyone. Be yourself and your brand will grow.

Personal Brand Creation And Management Tip #7: Know Your Strengths And Perfect Them

I have said it before and will say it again, outsource or delegate your weak areas. Use your strengths and perfect them. If you are great at public speaking, start practicing and even take a course to perfect your public speaking.

Personal Brand Creation And Management Tip #8: Build Your List

Get out and network with other people. Get contact information. They may not be leads, but they could be prospects or possible partners.

Someone once told me they could tell a person’s influence by the size of their Rolodex.

Personal Brand Creation And Management Tip #9: Know And Tell Your Story

Every brand has a story; your brand should be no different.

Get to know your story and when the opportunity arises, share it.

Everyone loves a story.


So have you started creating your personal brand?

I know these tips will help. Use them and come back and share how your brand building is going.

While you are at it, be sure and get my book To The Top to help you even more. You can order your copy here.

I am so happy you stopped by today. As always, my goal is to help you take your business…

To The Top!

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