Solopreneur Tips – Are You an Informer or Meformer?


Solopreneur Tips – Are You an Informer or Meformer?

Are you an in-former or a me-former?

Informers vs. Meformers: The key to getting 2x more followers

Researchers at Rutgers University found that only 20 percent of us are informers on social media, while the other 80 percent are meformers. What exactly is a meformer?

Meformers — Users who post social media updates mostly relating to themselves

Informers — Users who post updates that are mostly information-sharing

The Rutgers team ended up creating the term “meformer” after analyzing data from a sampling of Twitter accounts. Their analysis, based on patterns of usage along with tweet and follower data, found a clear divide between those who share information and those who share about themselves.

And how does this relate to followers?

Informers had more than two times the followers of meformers.

It would seem that sharing information on social media is better for your follower count than sharing about yourself.

Are you an informer or a meformer?

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So much love,


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