Eric Tippetts – The 9 “Environments” of You

I had the pleasure and awakening recently as I spent 10 days in SE Asia with Jim Bunch, CEO of “The Ultimate Game of Life”.
Jim has studied the human behavior and what makes humans do the things they do.  The biggest factor is your Environments.
Here is a chart of The 9 “Environments” of You:
Quick true story – If you go lobster diving and catch 1 lobster, when you place the lobster in the holding bin, you have to put a lid on the bin or the lobster will climb out. 
If you catch another lobster and put 2 lobsters in the bin, you don’t have to worry about the lobsters ever climbing out because one lobster will always pull the other lobster back in.
Moral of the story – Like people, the lobsters do not want to let another get ahead or become better.
Example – If you take your 5 best friends that you spend most of your time with.  Take those five friends and average their yearly salary.  This is going to be your yearly salary or will be soon.
This is your environment!  Like a drug user, if they get out of rehab and go back to their same environment…you get the point.
I will be talking a lot more about this in 2015 and helping you understand how to create “Successful Environments”.
During this down time.  Take the time to reflect on 2014 and which environments pushed you towards your goals and which environments did not.
Take the time today to visualize who/where you want to be.  What day is it?  What is the weather? How much do you have in your bank account?  Where are you?  Who are your friends?
These are the details that create change and passion.  If you do not have a vision board, I strongly suggest you do so for 2015.  It will change your life!!
I am so excited to share things that have literally changed my life from a surf bum to creating magical life transformations with better health, more wealth, and daily happiness!
Ready for this journey?
Much Love,
P.S.  UPDATE: “TO THE TOP” Hard Copy Now Available!
Start 2015 by Awakening Your Power to Attract Wealth & Happiness Effortlessly!
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