Happy New Years!! My First Commitment to You

Happy New Years!!  Are you ready to rock 2015 together!
You have my commitment to help you successfully build:
1. Your Brand
2. Your Business
3. Your Lifestyle

Here’s What I Need From You:
1. Your Full Commitment
2. Open Mind (Teachable) with Intentions of Helping Others
3. Serious About Following Through


 Awesome!  If you are reading this….we are making a commitment to each other in making 2015 the best ever and making sure we achieve our goals and holding each other accountable!
Here is what I need from you right now
I need to know your goals in 3 areas of your life.  We have to know what we are working towards.
1. Health (What are your goals to living a healthier life?)
2. Wealth (What are your goals to creating more wealth in your life?)
3. Happiness (What are your goals to become happier in your life?)
I want you to email these to me at eric@erictippetts.com
Post them on my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/erictippettsbusiness
Ok.  I will go first.  Here are my 2015 Goals:
1. Health
a. Flexibility.  Become more flexible with my body.  Stretching 3 days a week at 9 am & before each workout
b. Yoga/Ocean Hike.  1 time per week I will commit to 2 hours of Yoga or my favorite 2 hour Ocean Hike.
c. Gym.  3 Days a Week.  Minimum 45 minute workouts.  Legs 1 time per week.
2. Wealth
a. Blog.  4 Days per week.  1 Video per week.
b. Read 1 book per month on Online Marketing, Sales process, Copy writing.
c. Attract 3 Joint Venture Partners that add value to me and my community, similar values, I like and respect them.
d. Sell 100,000 copies of my book – “To The Top”
3. Happiness
a. Donate $5k To Charity
b. More Time with Family. Read 1 book per month with Daughter. 1 x per week daddy/daughter date. 1 date night with wife per week.
c. Sunset.  3 times per week.  Watching the sunset/being thankful for my family, friends, life.
The reason I want you to sit, think, and write these 3 goals is I want you to create your “vision board” and post these goals there.  Also, post pictures of things that incorporate what these goals look like.
I am going to be working personally with a small group of serious Entrepreneurs and I will keep track of these goals and create accountability to help you achieve these goals.  I hope you will do the same for me!
Now, the most important part!  How are you going to Celebrate your Success?
I want to know this so we can work towards this celebration event!
Great job!!  I am super proud of you!

I want you to email these to me at eric@erictippetts.com
Post them on my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/erictippettsbusiness
Let’s Rock!!
So much love,
Connect with me:
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