Are You Lucky? Discover Qualities That Create More Positive Results

“Everything in Life Carries Energy”

Have you ever wondered why some people just have all the luck. Are they truly “lucky” or do they just have a positive “energy” that attracts positive outcomes.
I wanted to post this picture today to help you discover actions that create a “positive energy” and “positive outcomes”.

One of the key things I constantly tell my clients is “learn to laugh at yourself….often”.

Because smiling/laughing creates more feel-good chemicals in the brain called – endorphins.


plural nounendorphins
  1. any of a group of hormones secreted within the brain and nervous system and having a number of physiological functions. They are peptides which activate the body’s opiate receptors, causing an analgesic effect.

Have you ever noticed that when you feel great, more positive things happen. When you feel bad, more bad things keep happening.

This is a powerful chart showing the action differences between Successful People vs Unsuccessful People.

This chart is purely to create curiosity as everyone’s “success” meter is different and just because you do one action a day will not guarantee positive results but I promise you this.

If you work the process of being present to the qualities of the successful person in the chart….you will watch your life align you with your vision of success. This is the laws of life!  This is the law of reciprocity.

– If you want more love – Give More Love

– If you want more money – create more value and watch the attraction of money chase you

– If you want better health – Give more attention to how the planet’s ecosystem works and working on being in tune with food that fuels/nourishes your body, mind, and soul.

In life, you need to show up to get results that you desire versus by chance.  But to show up, there are two things that are truly the foundation of optimizing your energy:


1.  Sleep

Health Benefits:
  • Get sick less often.
  • Stay at a healthy weight.
  • Lower your risk for serious health problems, like diabetes and heart disease.
  • Reduce stress and improve your mood.
  • Think more clearly and do better in school and at work.
  • Get along better with people. (Energy to tune your frequency to the right people frequency)

2. Food

3 things to help revive and nourish your body and soul:
  1. Be physically active. Exercise busts stress, boosts the mood, and elevates our energy level, not to mention the heart health benefits.
  2. Eat well. That means eat healthy sustainable nutrition food. Try to eat a variety of foods to get different vitamins and minerals. Foods that naturally are nutrient-rich include fruits and vegetables. Lean meats, fish, whole grains, dairy, legumes, nuts, and seeds also are high in nutrients.
  3. Meditate – Calm your mind. We all have stressors in our lives but all successful friends I spend time meditate daily to give their mind clarity and build intentions for success.


The last (I will be talking alot more about creating success daily in your life in upcoming podcasts) very important action that successful people incorporate daily – Keeping promises.

It’s important to keep promises made to others BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON TO KEEP PROMISES TOO – YOU!!

It’s easy to blame others for why you broke your promise….life dealt you a bad hand, the president, the pope, your parents, etc…..

If you keep breaking promises to yourself….you don’t believe in yourself anymore.  I tell my clients…never make more than 3 promises or tasks a day that you need to get done.  This way, you always win!  You always hit those 3 promises or tasks and win the day and win confidence in yourself.

Too many people get “in the moment” inspired and make a big task list of ALL the things they are going to get done today and get through 3-5 of their list of 20 tasks.  Do you feel great about the 3-5 tasks you finished?


You feel like a failure that you didn’t finish the other 15 tasks.  Then the 15 roll over to tomorrow and you finish 3 and feel like a failure again.  This repeats daily until you give up and go back to being OK with being OK.

3 tasks a day.  If you do more…AWESOME!!!  You crushed it today!  If you win everyday….what do you think that does to your belief foundation in yourself?  You’re unstoppable!

I hope this blog helps you create a conversation with yourself on what actions, promises, tasks you can create today to win your day!

Leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts.

Much Love,

Eric Tippetts

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