I find that many entrepreneurs are set on branding that huge idea they have. While that is great, what happens when you have another creative idea? You go through that branding process all over. But, if an entrepreneur brands his/her own name, every creative idea they have will fall into the brand they have created in their own name.

You want to brand yourself and from that point, branding your ideas will become much easier. I have discovered this by branding my name that people naturally are drawn to the various products and services I have developed over the years.

Here are 12 tips to brand yourself. By doing so, your future entrepreneur undertakings will be accepted immediately.

Brand Yourself Tip #1: Define Your Goals And Objectives

What is your vision for your entrepreneur journey? What problems do you desire to solve?

To properly brand yourself, you must clearly define your overall goals and objectives to reach those goals.

Maybe you want to help erase obesity, create advanced technology or possibly defeat a disease through natural means. Whatever your biggest goal is, you need to shout it to the world to brand yourself.

Brand Yourself Tip #2: Create A Motto Or Tagline

Your motto or tagline defines you. When people see it, they can understand in a brief way how you can help them solve problems.

My motto is: Ignite Your Earning Power. When people see this motto, they can understand that the Eric Tippetts brand is a means to grow their income.

The key to a motto is to use 2 to 7 words that are attention grabbing and are to the point.

Brand Yourself Tip #3: Create An Elevator Pitch

Otherwise known as a Unique Selling Proposition, and elevator pitch is a quick description of what you do that could be said to a person on a short elevator ride. An example using my brand would be:

I help entrepreneurs and home business owners ignite their earning power with simple tools, valuable content and unstoppable motivation.

A great elevator pitch will entice potential customers to ask for more.

Brand Yourself Tip #4: Be An Expert In Your Niche

You MUST define yourself as an expert in the niche area you are in. When someone asks you a question, you need to find an answer for them as soon as possible.

It may mean taking courses and reading books, but do everything you can to become an expert.

Brand Yourself Tip #5: Identify Your Target Audience

While you want your name to be recognized as a brand to everyone, you do want to identify the primary audience you want to develop your brand with:

  • If you want to rid the world of obesity, your target audience will probably be people who are overweight.
  • If you are creating an app for small business owners, you probably will not be marketing yourself to blue-collar workers.
  • Etc…

Brand Yourself Tip #6: Show Yourself

People want to know that you are not a robot. Show your face; have videos; be a real person.

When people see a smiling face, they will gain more trust.

Brand Yourself Tip #7: Tell Your Story

How did you become an entrepreneur? Where did you grow up? Where did you go to school? What successes have you had and what failures?

People want to hear your story. Even if you may think it is boring or uneventful, a major part of building your brand is telling your story.

Brand Yourself Tip #8: Study Your Competitors

Take a close look at your competitors. Learn how they are branding their names and be unique. Find what works and use it.

Brand Yourself Tip #9: Maintain Your Integrity

No matter where you are and what you do online or offline, you must maintain your integrity to hold your brand high and mighty. Hold high standards for yourself. Be honest at all times. If you cannot solve the person’s problem but you know someone who can, point them in the proper direction.

And always follow through with promises you make.

Brand Yourself Tip #10: Keep The Same Image In Social Media

Be it

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Google+
  • or any other social media site

maintain the same brand image. Make it easy for people to find you on any of the social media sites.

Also, you should look at what comes up if someone types your name into search engines. It should be full of your brand.

Brand Yourself Tip #11: Educate

You can generate a huge “buzz” about your brand by educating people in areas that are related to your niche. The most common way to do this is by blogging just like I am doing here. But you could also write an eBook or make videos, podcasts or webinars.

Brand Yourself Tip #12: Domain Name

If possible, register your name as a domain name, or use a variation. This is where you can create a blog and even offer your entrepreneur creations for sale.

Make sure your website is SEO friendly so you will be discovered in search engines easily when people search for keywords in the niche you are an expert in.


Easier branding yourself than it is branding every creation you develop. People will discover that you are an expert and as you create new products or services, they will automatically come under your brand.

I consider some of my developments that have fallen under my brand: Eric Tippetts – There is:

And thanks to the brand Eric Tippetts, people are quite aware of these products and others.

If you haven’t checked those products out, please do.

I hope this post helped you understand why branding yourself is so important. If you have any questions, just post them below.

Will you do me a favor? Please hit share below and allow your social media friends to see this too. Thank you…

To The Top!

eric tippets

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