by Eric Tippetts

Be An Uplifter! Work every day on empowering the goodness in each of the people you meet by being good…

by Eric Tippetts

Make the Shift from "self absorption" to "awareness of others" How do you know if you are self absorbed, or…

by Eric Tippetts

As a Conscious person, recognize that the chatter in your head is almost always designed to protect you - and…

by Eric Tippetts

"Yes, Do it with Confidence". That was from my fortune cookie last night at Chinese Restaurant! But, it really says…

by Eric Tippetts

Flexibility is your greatest asset! The more flexible you are, the easier it is to deal with anybody, anywhere, anytime.…

by Eric Tippetts

Many of you keep yourself trapped in a cycle of negativity by approaching life with a "what's in it for…

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Eric Tippetts

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