Is There a Dark Side of Success?

What if one of the biggest pieces of “success advice” was wrong?

There’s a particular strategy that’s become hot in the world of success and personal development. It’s been hailed as the secret to accelerated results and success on a level and at a pace that would be near impossible without it.

It’s called “modeling.” On the most basic level, the advice is to find someone who has done what you want to do, deconstruct everything they’ve done to get where they are, then do those same things yourself.

Problem is, that can be pretty dangerous advice. It can and often does lead not to success, not to a good life, but to a whole lot of angst, anxiety and failure.

The second, and biggest thing I have become aware and experienced is more than the outward actions to become successful but the inward, mental toughness needed to be successful.  Introducing….the haters, the dark side of success.

“Haters don’t really hate you, they hate themselves;
because you’re a reflection of what they wish to be”
― Yaira N

In the laws off attraction, it says “Like Attracts Like”.  Success attracts Success, Right?  Well, this is the challenge with success.  When you were unsuccessful, broke, poor, needy, broken, and going no where.  Everyone is comfortable being as good or better than you.  They love you and where you are in your life.  They tell you that you are doing great and why change.  Why do all these crazy things, join all these crazy businesses.  Attend all these crazy seminars.

But, then suddenly…..all those seminars, books, meetings, events, and businesses start to produce some results.  You start tasting success.  You begin to have a glow about you.  You become contagious and others want to know what you are doing.

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This is where I found a major hurdle or challenge mentally for most Entrepreneurs (and myself), that they start to see success and either feel guilty or let others guilt them about their success.

This is where you start to make others uncomfortable because you are outgrowing them and their ability to grow with you.  This is where you start to recognize that there is more to life.  More people playing a much bigger game.  There is a very hard choice you have to make.  Stay with my own limiting friends or seek new friends that are growing like you.

I have gone through this struggle multiple times and it is never easy.

My biggest advice to you is to become aware.  Who is REALLY supporting you and who is jealous or uncomfortable of who you are becoming?  This is a question you need to be honest with yourself and start to block out the negative jealousy of so called “friends” and seek to surround yourself with people that support your goals, dreams, mission, vision, needs, wants, and desires.  Life is so precious, why be negative and unhappy?

Every minute you are negative, unhappy, and mad is 60 seconds you lost of time to be happy, excited, adventurous, love, experience, and enjoyment!

This is a topic I am going to talk about alot more and discuss with you.  I want others to understand that success is not all peaches and cream but many times backstabbing, haters, and guilt.  You need to be prepared and be able to steer through this sea of unhappiness to the shores of a happy, healthy, and wealthy life.

Please comment and share your thoughts on this topic “Is There a Dark Side of Success?”  I look forward to hearing your feedback.  Thanks!

So much love,











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