You, your product or service and your brand could be the best thing the world has going, but if you don’t have positioning, success could be… no, probably will be non-existent.

Even if you don’t have perfection mastered (who does?), if you have a solid position, you are poised to “win” at entrepreneurship; you will have business success!

So how exactly do you position yourself for success?

Here are 6 tips…

Position Yourself For Success Tip #1: Develop A Success Mindset

This is the absolute top tip in this post!

It all starts with your mind. If you believe you can, you have 80% of the ballgame won. If you doubt yourself, you are starting on the wrong foot.

This is one of the top areas I delve into in my book, To The Top. Get a copy here and let me educate you further.

Position Yourself For Success Tip #2: Get, And Stay In Shape Physically

You must be at the top of your game physically to be able to handle the pressures and high speed of the business world.

I would suggest that you set aside time each day to get physical exercise.

You will soon notice that as you get in shape, you will be in a better position to lead your team to success.

Position Yourself For Success Tip #3: Appearance

Let’s be completely honest here… Humans naturally judge by first impressions. Appearance is an important success positioning item. And I say appearance of everything I mentioned near the start of this article…

  • How you personally look and dress.
  • What the color, texture and other attributes of your product are.
  • Your brand logo and colors

There have been some excellent products developed but because their color was un-appealing or the texture wrong in the minds of consumers, they became failures.

The same falls true with your personal appearance. How you groom and dress can attract or detract potential customers. Plus, you will feel better about yourself if you have a clean, professional appearance.

Position Yourself For Success Tip #4: Give To Get

It is one of the natural laws of the universe, those who give will receive.

There are many ways you can give that will position you for success:

  • Give free education that is directly related to your products or services.
  • Refer customers to other businesses.
  • Give free samples.
  • Etc…

Just know that giving comes back to you in fantastic ways. It will position you for success!

Position Yourself For Success Tip #5: Set Standards

There is an old saying that states, the human that doesn’t stand for something will fall for anything.

If you really want to position yourself for success, you will set standards in accordance with your values and ethics.

You will want to make sure that you, your employees and/or contractors maintain these standards at all times.

And The Last Position Yourself For Success Tip: #6: Be Yourself

Doing it just like the competition is not the way to gain success!

Trying to act just like someone else is not the way to position yourself for success!

The best way to position yourself for success is to just be yourself.

  • Do what you do!
  • Say what you say!
  • Act how you act!


The fact of the matter is, it all depends on your passion and desire!

Success is within reach but you have to do exactly that…


I hope this inspired you.

If you have any questions or just want to say hi, you can do so in the comment area below. And please share this with others who can use some inspiring.

Thank you.

To The Top!

eric tippets

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