How I Spend Money and Retire Rich!

Wealth — like happiness, confidence and love — starts from within.

This concept can be difficult to grasp. Most of us are convinced that wealth has everything to do with how much money you have in the bank. And don’t get me wrong, I understand that wealth has more than a lot to do with money. On planet earth, it’s nearly impossible to feel wealthy if you don’t have the finances to live the life you want.

However, so much of what goes into being wealthy happens way before making money. The reality about wealth is this: First and foremost, wealth is a state-of-mind. And when you learn how to have a wealthy state-of-mind, you’re in a prime position to attract more money to you.

In this video blog, I’ll teach you four wealth-building practices that will shift your energy from scared and intimidated by money, to feeling empowered with your finances. Your internal-experience with money will completely influence your outer-experience with money. Learn the essentials of a wealth-mindset, and more opportunities for financial abundance will come to you.

1. Build a Relationship with your money.

Anyone who feels dis-empowered with money has a tendency to ignore their finances. We do this because we’re scared and intimated by money.

We avoid our bank accounts. We avoid our bills. We avoid how much debt we have. We avoid it all together, and secretly hope it will solve itself.

But I’m going to let you in on a little secret: it’s not going to solve itself.

If you want to create more wealth in your life, you have to get to know your money – build a relationship with your money. In fact, you have to be in the commanding position with it, which means knowing the exact the state of your finances (even if it scares you).

Take small steps to get to know your money. Look at your bank account everyday and instead of spiraling into panic, stretch yourself to feel grateful that you even have a bank account. Did you know that more than 33% of Americans can’t even qualify for a bank account. So, appreciate your money and try to see it through the eyes of “I have,” rather than, “I don’t have.”

My mission for creating “The Expense Tracker” was to simplify the growing, managing, and maximizing of finances for everyday people like you and I.  Try it for 7 days free and feel the power of building a positive relationship with your money.

Click Here:

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As you get acquainted with your money, it will become less scary to you, putting you in a commanding position with it. This will draw more wealth to you.

2. Invest in yourself  (Spend on You).

The act of saving money completely outweighs the act of spending unconsciously and on impulse.

People don’t like saving money because it makes them feel “restricted,” and therefore dis-empowered with money. If you feel this way, I want to challenge you to experience saving in a new way: as spending money on yourself.

Saving money allows your bank account to grow and grow. This will eventually give you a cushion of money, which helps you feel safe and proud of what you have. Anytime you choose not to spend money, you truly are spending money on yourself and your wealth state-of-mind. Spend money and become wealthier!

By consciously deciding to save, your money and your financial-confidence will grow, attracting more abundance to you.

3. Uncover your programed fears about money (Your Money DNA).

The way your family dealt with money in the past has a huge influence on how you deal with money today. By understanding the financial fears and patterns that were passed on to you, you can move beyond them, creating a new wealth-mindset that’s more suitable for you now.

In order to uncover your pre-programed fears about money, ask yourself: What did my parents fear about money? How did my parents act with money? How do I act with money in a similar way?

This knowledge will create a platform for you to change your experience with money, rather than unconsciously doing what you were taught to do.

4. Find wealth in things that are free or close to it.

Have you ever seen a sunset that’s so beautiful it overwhelms you? Have you ever eaten a meal that’s so fantastic, you can’t believe that you get to experience it?

These are examples of pure, potent and free experiences of abundance, and they’re happening all the time.

The more you orient yourself to the “free” wealth that life offers you, the wealthier you’ll feel. And because life mirrors our internal state back to us, the wealthier you feel on the inside, the more wealth you’ll create in your life, too.

If you want to experience financial abundance for yourself, take the necessary steps to orient your inner-world to a wealthier state-of-being. Doing so will not only make you feel like a wealthier person with what you’ve got, but it will also automatically draw more opportunities for financial abundance to you.  Read my previous post about 4 easy steps to make anyone want you because of your authentic internal confidence.

It all starts with You!  You are your biggest asset or biggest obstacle.  Connect with me as I will help you become your biggest asset.

Please share and comment below as I believe this information can help a lot of people around the world.  Thank you.

Be sure to enter your name and email on the right of this blog for my “7 days to profitability” video training.  A Step by step system on how to be profitable in any home business!

So much love,

If you would like the step by step on how to build a confident, positive, and successful relationship with your money, get a copy of my new book – “To The Top – Simple Everyday Steps to Succeed Financially”.

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