I recently attended a training with Ray Higdon – Invest, Learn, Teach Workshop. One thing I have learned early in my career is that if I did not invest in myself and grow my value, no one else would invest in me and pay me what I am worth (or thought I was worth).
I just received this certificate in the mail. Thanks Ray Higdon!

One thing to remember is that every good coach or trainer has a coach/mentor that helps them see things they cannot in the daily trenches. I thought this was a great post by Ray Higdon named “11 Ways to Making 1 Million Dollars”. I thought it was so insightful that I wanted to share.
11 Simple Ways to Make 1 Million Dollars. Wow!
I really like #5 & 6:
5. Understand what it means to learn how to make one million dollars. Don’t look at a million dollars (or even a billion) as some pie in the sky goal, look at it for what it is. If you want to learn how to make one million dollars, learn how to add one million dollars or more worth of value to your marketplace. In network marketing it means you have helped enough people snap into being consumers of a product that will help them solve their problems and/or you’ve helped enough people get involved in a business that can help them solve their problems. IF YOU WANT TO MAKE MORE MONEY, LEARN TO SOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF MORE PEOPLE.
6. Invest in your education. As an employee, even at a high salary, the amount of money you have to invest in your education, is actually minimal. I was in a job that required a bachelors degree before I had one hour of college BECAUSE I was an extremely hard worker AND always strived to make my bosses look good. This is NOT the case for the entrepreneur. You need to look at education as an investment in the one thing that is constant, YOU. I don’t know if the opportunity you are currently in will be the last one you are ever in but I do know that wherever you go, there you are. YOU are the constant, treat yourself accordingly by investing in courses, coaches, mentors and events to improve your greatest asset. My wife and I have invested over $180,000 JUST in coaches in the last year and a half. (and we are excited to invest even more each year).
What a powerful statement: If you want to learn how to make one million dollars, learn how to add one million dollars or more worth of value to your marketplace.
You want to make more money, increase your monthly residual but are you adding that amount in value to your prospect?
See Ray’s full 11 Tips Here: http://rayhigdon.com/11-tips-make-one-million-dollars/
I get many of my community asking me what products I would recommend. Here are a couple from my friends, Ray & Jessica Higdon:
Stay tuned….I have a webinar coming that will teach how to increase your:
1. Network Marketing Recruiting
2. Network Marketing Retention
3. Money Magnetism
Have an Amazing Day! It all starts with YOU!