20 success signs

20 Entrepreneur Success Signs

Over the years, I have watched many entrepreneurs struggle. In nearly every case, I could view several things about that particular entrepreneur and be able to predict if he/she would be a success. I also looked at my own entrepreneur road and this helped me understand many of the success signs that entrepreneurs possess. A sign of success is not measured in the amount of failures… Actually, most highly successful entrepreneurs failed uncountable times before they found the successful equation.

Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.” Denis Waitley

Here are 20 signs you just may be on the road to success as an entrepreneur.

#1 Sign Of Success: You Like Yourself

When you look in the mirror every morning, you like what you see. I am not saying you are “full of yourself,” but you do love yourself and what you have become.

#2 Sign Of Success: You Like Seeing Other People Succeed

Many people just cannot stand to see people succeed but entrepreneurs that are geared for success do like seeing other people succeed.

#3 Sign Of Success: You Get Motivation From Within

You are your master. Only you have the master keys to open the inner locks.” Amit Ray

Successful entrepreneurs look inside their inner being for motivation. They know they cannot depend on outer sources.

#4 Sign Of Success: You Have An Abundant Supply Of Haters

As I mentioned in #2, there are many people that just cannot stand seeing people succeed. If you are on the road of success, you will gain your fair share of haters.

#5 Sign Of Success: You Recognize Your Strengths And Your Weaknesses

Not only do you know your strengths, you build on them. With your weaknesses, you seek help from those you know are strong in that area.

#6 Sign Of Success: You Are Addicted To Knowledge

When I see a person who just cannot stop learning; be it from reading, asking questions or any other way they can learn something new, I know they are destined for success.

#7 Sign Of Success: You Are Able To View Situations From Various Angles

Look at situations from all angles, and you will become more open.” Dalai Lama

By mastering the art of looking at situations from many perspectives, you find yourself making the wisest decisions.

#8 Sign Of Success: You Embrace Change

Change can be difficult and sometimes chaotic but without change, nothing ever really moves forward. You realize this and embrace change.

#9 Sign Of Success: You Take Care Of Your Physical Self

You know that you only have 1 mind and 1 body and you must take care of them to be a success as an entrepreneur. You eat properly, sleep properly and exercise.

#10 Sign Of Success: You Want To Change The World

You realize that you have talents and skills that can make a difference. You have a desire to make a change in the world.

#11 Sign Of Success: You Are Humble

This speaks for itself; you will give the credit to others.

#12 Sign Of Success: You Set Goals

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” Tony Robbins

I have never met a successful entrepreneur that did not set goals and objectives to reach those goals.

#13 Sign Of Success: You Say “Why Not Me” Instead of “Why Me?”

You believe you can do anything if you set your mind and heart to it. Can’t is not a word in your vocabulary.

#14 Sign Of Success: You Are Focused On Positives

This follows right in line with #13. You are always on the positive side of the fence and you will not run with the negatives.

#15 Sign Of Success: You Ask Questions

The only true way to find answers is by asking the proper questions. Successful entrepreneurs know that by asking questions, they will discover the answers they need.

#16 Sign Of Success: You Follow Your Intuition

Even when other people are saying something won’t work, if your intuition… your gut, says it will work, you will go with the gut before you do the people.

#17 Sign Of Success: You Do Not Fear Failure

Fear of failure is fiction, face this fact and fear will fall.” Amit Kalantri

Why fear the inevitable? To reach the pinnacle of success, you will have to step on or over many stones of failure.

#18 Sign Of Success: You Have Empathy

By being able to put yourself in the shoes of another person, you can accurately judge their intentions. Entrepreneurs need this attribute.

#19 Sign Of Success: You Use Your Time Wisely

Successful entrepreneurs know that time is just as valuable as gold or silver. How they use their time determines if they will gain success.

#20 Sign Of Success: You Consistently Plan

As an entrepreneur, you know that the only way to success is by following a plan. You plan each day, week and year and follow the plan.

I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game’s winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that’s why I succeed.” Michael Jordan

Do you have any of these signs?

If you have some of these signs, you are destined to success as an entrepreneur.

I have faith in you but the most important thing is: you must have faith in yourself.

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