eric tippetts

Eric Tippetts Spreads Positivity in a World of Uncertainty with Positive News Podcast and Resources


The Abundance Pub is a daily cup of positivity that shares tips for happiness and wellbeing

The Abundance Pub features curated content including helpful articles, interviews and masterclasses that offer tips to create a healthier, happier lifestyle.”

— Eric Tippetts, founder of The Abundance Pub — Eric Tippetts, renowned entrepreneur, published author, motivational speaker, and global influencer, has launched The Abundance Pub website and “Pubcast” podcast to provide readers and listeners with daily positivity and hope.

Each weekly Pubcast episode features industry leaders discussing their personal stories and tips for fostering success, abundance and happiness. To further support the community, Eric Tippetts has pledged to donate to a charity that feeds 1,000 children for each Pubcast release.

“Everyday, people are inundated with negative news, political turmoil, new coronavirus variants, and harrowing war reports,” said Eric Tippetts, founder of The Abundance Pub. “It can all be overwhelming, so I wanted to provide a place of solitude for those looking for a daily dose of light and positivity. The Abundance Pub features curated content including helpful articles, Pubcast interviews and masterclasses that shine a light on positive events in the world and offer tips to create a healthier, happier lifestyle.”

Eric Tippetts began his career as an actor and model before branching into the entrepreneur world and creating the #1 expense management platform for the network marketing industry. He was named “Top 50 Most Powerful and Influential People in the Direct Selling and Network Marketing Industry Worldwide” by Direct Selling Live Magazine.

Tippetts has founded and co-founded several network marketing and expense products, and published To The Top: Simple Everyday Steps to Succeed Financially. Today, Tippetts is sharing his learnings throughout his career and life, and launched The Abundance Pub to help others uncover their purpose and find happiness.

Learn more about The Abundance Pub and Pubcast at

About The Abundance Pub
The Abundance Pub is an online media resource for daily positivity founded by Eric Tippetts, renowned entrepreneur and thought leader, dedicated to spreading joy throughout the world. The Abundance Pub serves as a repository of positive news articles, blogs, podcasts, masterclasses and tips to help people live their best lives. The brand’s Pubcast is a weekly interview with influential people sharing their stories of success and wellbeing; and with each episode release, Eric Tippetts contributes to a charity that will feed 1,000 children per episode. For more information, visit and follow along on social media @TheAbundancePub.

Eric Tippetts
The Abundance Pub
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Top Abundance Meditation Techniques

Top Abundance Meditation Techniques

In meditation, people also try to do abundance meditation. They try different kinds of meditations for abundance. Abundance can be wealth, love, joy, happiness, relationships, health, career, and other types of emotions that give positive vibes. In mediation for these positive emotions, the abundance is taken as a focal point.

How can abundance meditation techniques help you?

The abundance meditation helps you in drawing your focus to an abundance of positive feelings. There are different aspects of your life that you may focus on for its abundance. Abundant meditation can help you. Abundance meditation techniques help you in relaxing your soul and guide it towards what it is searching for.

What are the different types of abundance meditation techniques?

There are connections that you will find everywhere in the universe with nature and the people. The laws that are defined universally affect all phenomena. Nature and the universe want the best for every individual, be that joy, materials, or achievements, so that everyone can live a satisfactory life.

Following are some of the different types of abundance meditation techniques that you can use.

1. Focus on your intentions

Having clear intentions is very important. You have to clear out for your intention. It is the first technique of abundance meditation technique. It would help if you saw which feelings you want in abundance to incline your intentions towards them.

It would help if you clarified your goals, ambitions, and prospects which you want to acquire. The key aspects of the abundance meditation techniques are being motivated and determined towards your required goals. While using the abundance meditation techniques, it is better to focus on one goal at a time, so there is no confusion.

2.  Have a positive mindset

The law of attraction states that like always attracts like that is why the more you think positive, the more positive outcomes you will have.

  • Even in negative situations, you will look for positive things.
  • Researches have confirmed that due to having negative thoughts, you will act as a blockage, and this blockage is going to prevent the abundance of your required feeling.

Negative feelings like fearing, being anxious, stressing about things, being pessimistic, being gloomy and sad, being envious of other people are going to cause hindrance in any of the abundance meditation techniques you are using. You have to stay positive, and meditation will help you focus on your present life to avoid the stress and tension of the future.

3.  Utilize visualizations as one of the abundance meditation techniques

Start with visualizing your future self. Look and imagine how your life is going to change when you get all the things you want and look out for.

Imagine what difference it is going to bring to your life. Picture yourself in a different world of having all these things that you desire and allow yourself to feel all of these things as if you already have them. Heck, if they truly make you happy and bring joy to your heart.

4.  Make use of affirmations for abundance meditation.

To sharpen your focus on the things you long for, you can make use of affirmation. These affirmations are going to help you focus on your goals. You will have to repeat them regularly. For example, if you want to be happy, you can meditate to be happy. You can visualize being happy. You can write on notes and paste them around your house, office cabin, or your room to be happy so that it can constantly remind you of being happy.

5.  Don’t overthink

You do not have to think about how things are going to work out for you or how you want the things you desire to happen.

  • The abundance meditation experts say that this thinking of ‘how things will happen is going to limit everything for the universe in its way to create reality.
  • You have to focus on the results and the outcome and leave the rest to the great force of nature and the universe.

You do not have to set a period for it. You should know that everything happens at the right time. You have to set your intention and then focus on your intention. You need to have a lot of patience. Stay patient. Meditate and think positively. Wait for your turn, which the universe will give you, and let you achieve your goals.

6.  Be generous and grateful.

Show generosity in everything. If you want to receive something, try giving it out with no expectations. The universe is going to bring it back to you itself. Help people out. If you want to be happy, spread happiness among every person who you pass by.

  • Be known as a happiness spreader.
  • Allow everything that you receive and passes some of it to others. Hold on to what you want to receive and be grateful.
  • Show gratitude in every situation you are in.
  • Showing gratitude is one type of abundance meditation technique.
  • Do not focus on what you are lacking. Focus on what you have right now.

Be very sincere and content with your present. Appreciate your present so that more good comes to you.

7.  Look out for coincidence, have belief, and take positive actions.

Another very popular abundance meditation technique is to look out for coincidence. There are no coincidental events. Everything that happens to you happens for a reason.

  • Check if things are going your way. Interpret why it happened.
  • Connect the dots to understand the happenings. Look for opportunities, chase these opportunities, and avail them.
  • Seize the opportunities, take positive actions and give your best. Believe in yourself. It should be known to you that you can do anything.

Nothing is impossible. Self-confidence and self-belief will help you achieve many goals.

Last thoughts:

Abundance meditation techniques are going to help you in living a positive lifestyle. It is going to give a new prospect to life and help you achieve many things just with the help of your calm mind and soul.

Much love,

Eric Tippetts

How to Take Control of Your Life in 2022 And Create a Positive Change

How to Take Control of Your Life in 2022 And Create a Positive Change

Do you feel like your life has taken a direction that you don’t want it to go?  Do you think that there is nothing you can do about it and that your best shot is to flow with the current?

Well, that should no longer be the case in 2022. This is the year to take charge. It is the perfect time to say NO to everything that makes you feel helpless. You have the power to control your life and realize your potential!

You can be that positive change that you so badly want.

Set your goals right

It all begins with the goals. If you get them wrong, you are sure to proceed on a path you do not want.

Goals can help you control your life by creating a visual view of how you would look like at the end of it all. Furthermore, they help you clarify what you want in life and the overall target.

When you set goals, you give yourself the chance to make the most of the things within your influence. These include factors like attention, time, money, and so on. Carefully exploring these resources can help you live the kind of life you want.

Remain dedicated and confront convention

When Jeffrey decided to ride across America from New York to California on Citi Bike, many of his friends and family members thought he was crazy. They tried to talk him down. How could he do it? Hasn’t he thought about the muscle pool?

Despite all the negativity thrown at him, he still did it. Why? Because that’s what he wanted and was ready to achieve it, even if that meant breaking from the norm.

Look at how happy he is. He wouldn’t be if he listened to all the naysayers.

When you want to do something, you should be ready to confront a particular convention. Your dedication will help you in that regard.

Selectively choose whom to associate with

Your environment dictates who you are, including your friends and the people with whom you interact. It does not take so long before you take in their emotions and for your brain to synchronize how they go about their days.

To control your life, you need to disassociate from negative people. Be careful not to land within a specific mindset influenced by their ways of reasoning.

Selectively choosing whom to interact with does not involve only your physical environment. Examine your online activities, as well. Are they pressuring you to do things in a certain way? If that’s the case, immediately create a boundary.

Remain open to new lessons

Taking control of your life also requires you to grow. No growth happens without learning. For this reason, you need an open mindset that willingly takes on transformative challenges.

Do not turn down an opportunity just because it seems too challenging. Instead, evaluate it based on whether it is worth spending some time acquiring the relevant skills. By doing so, you will learn something new that would not have been possible.

Create a regular sleeping pattern

The lack of sufficient sleep can easily make you feel off and less in control of how your day goes. You may find yourself wasting a lot of productive time as you fantasize about how long you have to wait before going to bed. In the long run, you may find it hard to achieve your various life goals.

To prevent that from happening, get in the habit of sleeping at a regular time. Whereas striking the average 8 hours may prove challenging considering the busy schedules we all have, ensure that you do not sleep under 5 hours.

Final thought

Life is about perspective.  The challenge is our phone’s are filled with social media apps that continually compare us with each other and someone’s “perfect” filtered life.

One question I ask myself each day is…..”Am I better today than yesterday in one area of my life?”  This way, I focus on my life journey and growth.

Dream Big.  Start Small.  The key is starting with small steps each day towards things that fulfill you.

Much Love,

Eric Tippetts

TikTok Ideas: How to Get Your Brand Seen on Social Media

TikTok Ideas: How to Get Your Brand Seen on Social Media

Social media marketing has become the most effective marketing strategy today, mainly because it appeals to a larger audience. Moreover, they decide which products or services to choose through the internet. That being said, TikTok is rising as the chief application for social media marketing and influencer marketing. However, many are dumbfounded when it comes to promoting their brand through it.

Ways to Promote your Brand using TikTok:

Here are some ways you can promote your brand through TikTok:

Collaborate with TikTok Celebs and Influencers

Probably the most common strategy used by brands is to make use of influencer marketing. All you need to do is give them one of your products and the cash they demand, and then they will promote your brand in their next TikTok videos. You could also sponsor a high budget video for them, the one they cannot afford to make by themselves.

This strategy is effective because people are really enticed by the products that have been promoted by celebrities or influencers. There’s just basic science and psychology behind it, nothing complex. Moreover, the type of influencer you choose depends on your budget.

Ensure that your Content is Interesting

We cannot stress this point enough. Your content matters, and the only way you will get followers on TikTok and have your posts shared is if your content is liked and appreciated by your audience. However, note that being “funny” is not the only way to be interesting on TikTok. While comedy has a big place on TikTok, people are enthralled by any content as long as it is good, even emotional, or informative.

This is one of the most effective methods, though the results here are often not immediate. You have to be patient and continue with your good content. Your product will be promoted automatically.

Understand how TikTok’s Algorithm works

One of the key aspects of social media marketing is understanding how the app works. By understanding the algorithm, we have to see how posts reach others better and how the audience reacts to an advertisement, including the options they have to manipulate or customize their feed.

For instance, on TikTok, the posts you get is according to your region. Even if you follow people from other regions and mute posts within your, it is less likely that your feed will change. This is only but one example of TikTok’s algorithm. You can introspect deeper into it to take advantage of it.

Share your TikTok Content on other Social Media Platforms

You may have seen TikTok videos and memes being shared on other applications like Instagram or Facebook. You can make use of it since it has a lot of benefits for you.

Benefits of Sharing on Instagram:

The benefits of sharing your TikTok content on Instagram is:

  • All meme related Instagram handles would share your content without any demand from you.
  • Your content will start coming under the search bar of Instagram of other users.
  • Masses of people on Instagram will see your handle and follow you on TikTok.
  • You will get easy followers if you happen to make your account on TikTok too.

Benefits of Sharing on Facebook:

The benefits of sharing your TikTok content on Facebook is:

  • You will become the center of attention for many people.
  • Your content may be shared like wildfire, given the nature of Facebook.
  • You will not have to spend your money on promoting yourself on Facebook.
  • People will readily buy your products if you use ecommerce.

Take Advantage of Hashtags:

On any social media application, Hashtag is a way to connect people who do not follow each other but are interested in the same thing or the same trend. Here are two important domains of it:

Join Famous Tags out there:

Some hashtags are what you have to follow. They become famous trends through other TikTok users or something really noteworthy in the world. If you contribute to this hashtag, you will notice that your engagement will significantly increase. That’s because many others are following this hashtag and looking at all posts related to it. Though, make sure your content is not utterly irrelevant to the hashtag. It leaves off a terrible impression.

Initiate Tags that have the Potential to be Famous

You can generate hashtags of your own in a way that promotes your brand, but at the same time is something others can relate with. This will give you a perfect boost, though the probability of a hashtag becoming successful is quite less.

Become a Part of TikTok Challenges

Users on TikTok always come up with new and interesting challenges via the hashtags we discussed above. If you partake in those challenges, you will be well integrated within the TikTok community. This, in turn, will slowly but steadily increase your followers and get your potential customers to you. It’s as simple as this: the more you are involved in those challenges, the better off you are on TikTok.

Announce your business benefits with people on TikTok:

You should have the capacity to communicate with others on TikTok. That is, your posts should be entertaining to others, but at the same time, they should make them aware of your brand or your services. As a result, they will come to entertain themselves with your posts, but at the same time, they will return with the wish to buy your products or make use of your services.

Private messaging service can also be used on TikTok to communicate with your fellow users on that application. This form of personal contact will increase the probability of your success.

Final Thoughts

Considering the nature of social media right now, promotion on TikTok may prove to be most profitable for you. However, this largely depends on the very nature of things you are promoting. Some marketing may work very well on TikTok, while other types may require other social media

Most of all…..HAVE FUN!!

Much Love,

Eric Tippetts

Eric Tippetts on How To Get a Good Night Sleep and Wake Up Feeling Amazing?

One of the best times of the day is bedtime because it lets you relax and get all the stress out of your body. However, most people cannot get the best good night’s sleep, and they often wake up stressed and tired. Whether your day-to-day routine is hard or not, bedtime must be as relaxing as possible. So, what can you do to get a good night’s sleep and wake up feeling amazing?

There are many little things that you can do to make your sleep quality and wake up the mood a lot better. Here we will be discussing some of the most effective ones.

The best way to have a good night’s sleep and wake up feeling amazing

When it comes to getting the best sleep and waking up amazingly, it depends on how you deal with yourself and the external condition. Doing a little can bring humongous benefits to your morning mood. So, here is how you can get the best good night’s sleep and wake up feeling amazing as well.

Get an adequate amount of sleep.

So, the first thing is to sleep, and you must sleep for an adequate amount of time. Sleeping for 7 to 9 hours is the best. In this time, the body and mind both get the best amount of relief from the stress, and you wake up fresh. A good practice is to keep your sleeping place as dark as possible so that the light does not interrupt your sleep.

Choose your mattress and pillow carefully when you are looking to get the best sleep.

When you are looking to get the best quality of sleep, it is important to get the right mattress and pillow for yourself. The pillow is important as it maintains a better position for your neck and head, so it supports neck muscles to keep them free from stress.

On the other hand, the mattress supports your back. So, it is always a better option to select a sleeping surface that makes your body feel the most comfortable. Another thing that can be beneficial is to wash the covers regularly to keep them fresh.

Say goodbye to the screens when sleeping time is near.

Whether it is your mobile phone, a computer, or even a TV, all of the screens emit blue light, and it stimulates the production of melatonin which is a hormone used for waking up. When you are going to sleep, you must keep the screens away at least an hour or 2 hours before to get a good quality sleep. Staying away from screens for the same time after waking up will also keep your eye muscles free from stress.

Maintain a sleep cycle for getting the best good night’s sleep.

Sleeping is not like you do some of it during the day and get the rest at night. Although it is good to get afternoon naps, you must still make a night sleeping routine and stick to it. When you stick to the routine, the body clock will recognize it, and it will be beneficial for your healthy sleep.

Select your alarm carefully.

Although alarms are meant to wake you up, you still need to select them carefully. Your alarm must not be soothing to not wake you up. At the same time, it must not be too harsh to shock you, as it will not be an amazing way to wake up. Selecting alarms with brain teasers will also be a decent choice to wake up without any issues.

Never hit the snooze button.

Our body has a clock inside it that knows when it is time to wake up, and you must not confuse this clock. One of the ways to do so is by hitting the snooze button. When you know that it is time to wake up, then you should wake up without having the thoughts of waking up after a few minutes. So, instead of relying on the snooze button, you must set the alarm for the time when you need to wake up.

Shine along with the sun, and if there is none, create your own.

Light is very important for waking up fresh and amazing because blue light stimulates melatonin production. So, removing the curtains will be a better option to wake up fresh. If there is a case when the sun is hot and shining because of rain or other circumstances, you must turn on the lights as otherwise, your mind will not accept that you are awake. Similarly, darkness will make you feel like you need to sleep more.

Stretch to promote blood flow through the body.

Stretching and having some exercise when you wake up is not only healthy for your body but is also good for feeling amazing as soon as you wake up. It will promote blood flow through the body so your body parts will not be tired.

Make sure that you have something fun to do in the morning.

Whether you love to cook or love to spend some time with your plants, you should make some time for these things in your sleeping routine. Doing so will be a great way to love yourself and feel amazing. At the same time, it will involve some physical activity that will make you awake. So, in this way, you will wake up and feel amazing right away.

Get out of your night suit as soon as you get up.

Staying in your comfort zone will keep you sleepy, and it is not the best way to feel amazing when you wake up. So, make sure that you are ready to take a shower and dress up so that the sleeping vibe is broken.

Final Verdict.

Morning is the start of the day, and it must be good to make the whole day go well. Having a good quality sleep is important to wake up fresh and active throughout the day. At the same time, feeling amazing when you wake up is important to make your day great. Here we shared some amazing ways to get good sleep and wake up feeling amazing.

Best wishes on sleep,

Eric Tippetts

The “Power 50” award – I made it on the list!!

I am honored and humbled today as I just learned that I made the Top 50 on the coveted award of “Top 50 most powerful, most influential people in Direct Selling and Network Marketing Worldwide.” (see image below)

POWER 50 V_mag 1 page

For over 7 years I have been working hard to listen, learn, and create tools, content, insights, and friendships to help the profession of Direct Selling/Network Marketing raise the bar and become a well respected profession to change people’s lives in a positive way.

I have so many mentors and partners to thank for helping me grow not only professionally but as a person, a husband, and a father.  I truly have “You” to thank and share this award with each of you….We Did It!

In 2013 I have so much more content and tools being developed to continue my mission to help you “Master the Irresistible Offer” and give you simple ideas, content, and tools to do this.

Our most exciting product yet, is the release of our new “Rocket Recruiting App” –  .  I have never seen a product have an immediate impact on recruiting and showing prospects “why” they need a home business…this is hands down, THE BEST door opener!

We are also updating The Expense Tracker – to now include a “leads” store…our clients now have access to real time, targeted and qualified leads right to their replicated sites or sent via an email.  Check out for more information.

We are also about to release a proprietary “Money Personality” profiler.  I want to give people a simple way to learn about themselves and why they attract money in their lives or push it away.  This is the core foundation to build a successful business from.  More to come on this….

Thank you again for all your support and I can’t wait to meet many of you at upcoming events and webinars.

God bless,



Eric Tippetts

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