eric tippetts recruiting tips

MLM Success Tip: Become a “Conscious” person!

Become a “Conscious” person….there is only ONE person who can decide whether you are in the right place at the right time…and that is YOU!

Your perspective about your current situation is either pushing you forward toward your goals or holding you back!

Go live life!!  Your alive!  I recently had one of my IT team goto a remote location in Thailand.  The day they were supposed to leave, they missed their flight.  That flight crashed and no one survived…do you think he is taking life for granted?  No way…he is living life everyday and this is a reminder of how fragile life is.  Go do it!

Much love,


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MLM Recruiting Tips: Resistance is NOT natural

People resist you when you resist them. When you resist their true nature and want them to be different, they can sense it, they can feel it, and you inevitably express it.
Remember your “energy” goes way beyond your physical body…what is yours saying about you today?
Have a GREAT day!!
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MLM Recruiting Tip of the Day – “Choose To Be Interested!”

Choose To Be Interested!

Choosing to be interested creates a magical world for people. This will accelerate all that you are doing. Being interested is a choice just as being uninterested is a choice.
Start Today. Start looking for everything that is interesting about every person you come in contact with. Naturally, you will become fascinated with every human being you encounter. The energy of your fascination is like a tractor beam. Your total interest in everything that people are will fill them with delight and tickle their insights. They will become totally attracted to you. They will become fascinated with you!!
Try it and feel how good the energy becomes between all the people you meet.
Have a great day!!

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Eric Tippetts

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