how to recruit into mlm

If you can see it. You can BE it! Mindset is #1 to succeeding in a Network Marketing Business

I am going to have a lot more to come on the “mindset” of a winner and how it equates to money. Most of us don’t realize the limiting beliefs we have that are holding us back in accomplishing all the things in life that truly are possible. Nothing is “impossible”…the word itself says “I’m Possible”. More to come on this subject.
Have a great day!

Simple Recruiting Phone App – Guaranteed To Work!

3 Reasons Why This Recruiting Phone App works:

1.The most successful Network Marketer, “lead with a lending hand” (you will see this in minute 1 of video). 97% of network marketers “ask” before they ever “give”…what if you could give everyone that works a 9-5 job an immediate raise on their next paycheck by joining your home business without any money out of their pocket.

2.This product will help you capture your prospects contact information and keep it organized and reminds you when to call them – (see how within minute 4)

Third, for IRS compliance, you need to show you have “the intent to make a profit” which this simple tool provides (see within minute 5).

I have testimonials of reps going from recruiting 7 people in one year to 93 people in one month using this simple phone app.

You can get this recruiting mobile web app at

Have Fun and Enjoy the Success!


p.s. Interested in providing this simple App to your team and making some residual cash…I create a 50/50 revenue share for referrals…ask me how today! – Free “7 days to profitability” training course

Mindset…Your Key To Success or Failure!

One of the biggest assets needed to succeed in anything you do in life is the right mindset.  Period.

Do you REALLY believe in yourself?  Can you visualize yourself reaching the goal of “why” you made a decision to do something?  Do you let others change your belief levels by telling you their reasons for not believing in the decision and goals you have?

Are you ALL IN?

This is the core to what drives you daily and get’s you so fired up that can’t see failure…it hypnotizes you!

If you are not reaching the goals/wants/needs that you are looking for…you need to spend a day and really sit alone and think about what makes you happy and why do you do what you do each day.  Are these actions getting you closer or further away from your goals daily?

Action daily leads towards your goals.  Goals do not happen in a day, it takes daily habits and action and you can do ANYTHING YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN DO.  This is a key phrase (“anything YOU believe you can do”)….if you see it, you can be it!

Once you figure out what you really want to do and what will drive you daily to take action.  Here is something you can do right now to get your body in alignment with your mind.

Action to take:

1. Write down on a piece of paper all your negative thoughts of “why” you might not reach your goals.  What is holding you back?  Who is holding you back? What excuses would you make? etc….

Now, take that piece of paper and crinkle it up and throw it away.  What this does is releases these from your mind and let’s them go…it is invigorating!  But more importantly, this creates the right positive mindset that is needed to rocket forward!

2.  Daily, write down on a piece of paper short positive actions you took today towards your goal.  Or anything positive that happened in your life.

Weekly pull out these small pieces of paper and review them to remind yourself of the awesome things happening in your life (it’s hard to see the forest when your nose is against the tree…meaning it’s hard to see all the positives when you constantly have negative in your life)

On Dec. 31 of each year, I love to take out this jar of positive notes and review them and all the incredible events that happened in my life….it makes me full of joy, excitement, and a “take charge” mindset that I need to rock!

Life changes in a blink of an eye…don’t waste it!  Enjoy the journey and reaching milestones…it will become addicting!

See you at the top!


MLM Recruiting Tip of the day – Online Marketing vs Belly To Belly Networking

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I am getting more and more clients coming to me asking about online marketing and is it really as easy as people are promoting?
Here is quick video on the reality of online marketing vs belly to belly networking.
I really see three phases:
Phase 1: Get a raise in your current 9-5 job to pay for your “home business” – this eliminates the fear of failure and makes you profitable month 1.

Phase 2:  Go help 3-5 other people become “informed” and get a raise in their 9-5 job and join your “Home Business” – this now gives you an organization to help grow with that are all profitable and makes you more money!

Phase 3: Learn daily about online marketing and perfect your craft of how to make money online – this is a long term strategy 6 month to 3 years before you are really going to make money.


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MLM Recruiting Tip – Excusitis: The failure disease!

(noun) the success-threatening disease of

inventing a horrible future, that inevitably
results in complete, and horrible failure.

There is an automated mechanism inside your
consciousness that literally saves you from being

The Reticular Activating System (RAS) Read the
Wikipedia Article HERE.

(not that it will make any sense )


The Reticular Activating System controls your
attention, and helps you create a perception of
order out of an otherwise chaotic universe.

What do I mean?

You may notice that you don’t pay attention to
most of what you see, hear, feel, and think. For
example, if you’re reading this sentence… you’re
not paying attention to the skin on the bottom of
your feet – how it feels, how warm or cold your
skin is… or your breathing.

You may not notice the rate of your breathing at
all, if you’re reading this sentence – or did the
fact that I mention it cause you to take a deep,
slow breathe, and relax?

You, like me don’t pay attention to much.

You don’t, because you can’t.

Why? And what does that have do do with excuses?
And what’s the failure disease, exactly?

Beliefs control your perception. Your RAS is an
automated unconscious mechanism that is there to
prove exactly what you want and believe.

Your nervous system is taking in an unbelievable
amount of data, that makes no sense until it’s
labeled with meaning, sorted for importance, while
other data is distorted, deleted, and generalized
so the Universe makes sense like you want it to.

Excuses are negative beliefs about the future.

They are beliefs that are not valid, because the
future is always paced out in time.

The past has absolutely nothing to do with your
future, other than being a useful playground of

Your current situation has nothing to do with your

When you say “I can’t, because…” what you’re
actually doing, is casting a non creating belief
into your future.

A belief that you don’t want.

A belief that doesn’t serve you.

A belief that won’t help you get what you want.

Excuses are… a form of disease, called ‘Excusitis’
or the disease of failure.

See, there is no ‘I can’t, because’ because the
future doesn’t exist right now. Because you
create it as you live your life. Because it can
be however you believe it to be.

Because YOU can have anything that you want.

YOU can do anything that you want.


Create Your life Today!

Make it the Best Day Ever!


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Eric Tippetts

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