jonathan budd

Success Tips – Comfortable = Excuses!

 Comfortable = Excuses!
What holds most people back from reaching their true potential…their thoughts…fear of failure.
So we convince ourselves that we are good and “OK” without growth.  We don’t need to be “un-comfortable”.
No…everyday play a game to become un-comfortable!  This is where growth happens…break through happens!
If you see a person that you are scared to start a conversation with…remind yourself, what is the worst that can happen?
They might say, you are weird, you freak me out, you are bad….but, what if….they say, “Hi”.  What if they say “What do you do?”.  What if?
Fear is the Thief of Dreams…Don’t let it Steal Yours!
Much love,
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Get my new book “To The Top” Free….for a limited time!

To The Top Book w/ Jonathan Budd and Jim Bunch
To The Top Book w/ Jonathan Budd and Jim Bunch

Great day yesterday with two amazing friends and mentors – Jonathan Budd and Jim Bunch.
They received the first 2 copies of my new book “To The Top” which is set to release within the next 7 days!
Post here if you want a free copy for a limited time.

So much love,

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Eric Tippetts

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