mlm prospecting

The “Power 50” award – I made it on the list!!

I am honored and humbled today as I just learned that I made the Top 50 on the coveted award of “Top 50 most powerful, most influential people in Direct Selling and Network Marketing Worldwide.” (see image below)

POWER 50 V_mag 1 page

For over 7 years I have been working hard to listen, learn, and create tools, content, insights, and friendships to help the profession of Direct Selling/Network Marketing raise the bar and become a well respected profession to change people’s lives in a positive way.

I have so many mentors and partners to thank for helping me grow not only professionally but as a person, a husband, and a father.  I truly have “You” to thank and share this award with each of you….We Did It!

In 2013 I have so much more content and tools being developed to continue my mission to help you “Master the Irresistible Offer” and give you simple ideas, content, and tools to do this.

Our most exciting product yet, is the release of our new “Rocket Recruiting App” –  .  I have never seen a product have an immediate impact on recruiting and showing prospects “why” they need a home business…this is hands down, THE BEST door opener!

We are also updating The Expense Tracker – to now include a “leads” store…our clients now have access to real time, targeted and qualified leads right to their replicated sites or sent via an email.  Check out for more information.

We are also about to release a proprietary “Money Personality” profiler.  I want to give people a simple way to learn about themselves and why they attract money in their lives or push it away.  This is the core foundation to build a successful business from.  More to come on this….

Thank you again for all your support and I can’t wait to meet many of you at upcoming events and webinars.

God bless,



Only 3 Emotions that Cause People To Buy. Tap the Right One, You Win!

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There are only 3 “triggers” that will cause someone to buy:

1. Pain

2. Gain

3. Fear

The key is tapping into one or more of these key “emotions” or “triggers”. If you don’t…no one is taking any action.

The challenge is 97% of the Network Marketing always try to “sell” on the gain emotion. Money, Dreams, Cars, recognition, etc…
This is the LEAST motivating for the long term…let me explain. I can get someone excited to buy as I have them in an emotional state of all the wonderful things they are going to get by joining my business…but as we all know, it takes time to build a business and what emotion kicks in when they get their first “no”?

Fear…right? “oh, my gosh this is going to be harder than I thought”….Wow, can I really succeed?…What if I fail?…Did I make the right decisions?….Can I get my money back?…etc….

Just remember this one simple fact: “People Buy Emotionally, BUT, They Justify Factually”. Meaning, unless it makes me money or provides some kind of return that is tangible, people will go into a fear state of mind and cancel…that is why the Network Marketing profession is a revolving door for many companies because they focus so much on the product and giving a new Distributor “sales material” and “product” and say “great job…now go out and build your business” but not giving the new distributor any tools to run, oh yeah, the BUSINESS….THIS IS A BUSINESS, IF YOU RUN IT LIKE A BUSINESS, IT WILL PAY YOU LIKE A BUSINESS…unless you are just a consumer of the product.

That is why I teach, Fear is a much greater motivator….go create some! One of the biggest fears is losing my MONEY!

So, if I can show you that everyday you go work your 9-5 job and lose approx. $300-$500/month in taxes by not having a home business….I have now shifted the power from the buyer to me, the seller. Everyone will want to know how to KEEP $300-$500/month immediately but you will always hit the “money obstacle” when you ask them to SPEND $300-500 to join your business.

Most people are not sales reps, networkers, outgoing….you need to quickly show them how to stop selling and start helping others get a raise in their 9-5 job by joining your business…this gives them a way to be profitable month 1 and keep them in the business long enough to learn the ropes, comp plan, and talking product with others. Remember, Network Marketing/Direct Sales is a profession of duplication and unless you can give your team a “non-threatening” and without any reputational risk to introduce to their network, you will find yourself constantly pumping up the balloon that keeps deflating!

If you are interested in learning more ways to flip the “typical” recruiting methods upside down. Connect up with me on Facebook, Twitter, or visit my site,

Good luck!


#1 Obstacle in Network Marketing and How to Avoid it

I am always amazed at how many people “sell” products and wonder WHY they are struggling in their home business.

Let me tell you WHY!  First of all, most people are not good Sales reps…they don’t feel comfortable selling…they don’t feel comfortable asking for money! (oh, and by the way, people don’t like to BE sold, shhsshhh – don’t let anyone know)

So if your approach is to tell people you have AN AMAZING opportunity and to come check it out tonight…here is what your prospect is thinking…first of all, MLM has a bad stigma (sorry if this is the first time you have heard this) as so many people have tried and failed to just let everyone they know (and tried to sell) that it was a scam, a pyramid scheme, no one makes any money…..this is a way for them to feel “OK” with themselves and that it wasn’t them…they didn’t fail…it was the opportunity that failed.  Right?

So your prospect is thinking…ohh man!  Not one of THOSE MLM dealy’s!  I am not interested.  And, think about it…you are asking them to drive 30 minutes to your location (after work as they are tired), listen to you pitch them for an hour, then your asking them to bring their wallet or purse as you are going to try every close you know to get them to buy….does this sound like YOU?

If so, GOOD LUCK!  You will never be duplicate-able, which is the KEY to being successful in the Network Marketing profession.

You see, after 6 years of going from “what is an MLM?” to “I figured it out!”…I have interviewed thousands of Distributors and it is absolutely black and white to me…on why the top leaders are exploding their business with ease and why 97% are failing…..

Are you Ready to learn “WHY”?

Answer:  Leaders don’t Sell!  I know, I know, your thinking….but I don’t sell either….I Share.  Meaning, you SHARE products….you share all their benefits, ingredients, money you can make, it’s a great company with great leadership, etc…right?  Well remember, after you have “shared” all the great things about your product…there comes a point where you need the prospect to join/buy right?  Well my friends, that is the point that most people fail….when it comes time to talk about “how much is this going to cost me!”.  If you get ANYONE that asks…”how much is this going to COST me!”….you are selling!

And….if you have 100 people in your cell phone contacts and you have only approached 3-5 of them because they are great networkers….sales reps….fun people….etc….You Are Selling!  Because you are picking and choosing who YOU think would be great sales reps, networkers, etc…

You see, after 6 years of interviewing million dollar earners….I came to realize they didn’t sell product…first, that is.

They educated their prospects on “why” everyone needs a home business and “why” it’s a smart financial decision.  Stick with me here….you are about to learn the biggest insight of your Home Biz career….there are only 2 tax systems in America, one for the “informed”…and one for the “UN-informed”.

98% of American’s are apart of the UN-informed…that is why there is such a small amount that keep getting richer….the rich understand, that Money makes Money!  So if work a 9-5 job and get a huge chunk taken out in taxes, I then try to live on what’s left over.

The rich (informed) understand that if I work and keep all of my money, I can invest that money in my business and make ME MORE MONEY!  WOW, what a novel concept!  And guess, what…they only pay taxes on what’s left over.


Here’s a REAL example:

Take $1 and double it 19 times = $1,048, 576.00

Take the same $1 and double it 19 times WITH taxes taken out = $21, 931.15

Now, WHY do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer…the rich understand that to have MONEY making YOU MONEY…you need to reduce your tax liability to the LEGAL (key word) legal, minimum.  This allows you to keep more of what you make and invest it into YOU!


So, getting back to “why” top leaders explode with ease…..they educate their prospects that they are LOSING money by not being in a home business and if they can help their prospect KEEP more of the money they make in their 9-5 job, which then pays for the home business (so no out of pocket money), this gives them a way to be profitable month one!

Did you notice the difference?  If the light bulb just came on….good, this is a mindshift!  Stop selling people on how much they can GO make (that is a second job and no one has time)…start showing them how much they can start KEEPING on their next paycheck by joining your business, which pays for the business, and now they can go share that with their co-workers, family, and friends without ANY REPUTATIONAL RISK on selling people on the next miracle juice!

You see my friends….I have mastered the art of the “irresistable offer”.  If I can show you in less than 5 minutes how much you are LOSING each month by not being in a home business…would you be interested in knowing how much that might be?  Of course you would, I have not met anyone in the last 3 years that has turned me down…curiosity and fear are 2 HUGE emotional actions that people can not walk away from.

Conclusion:  Show people the “why” they need a home business first….then second, show them your business as the solution to their WHY! …or another way of saying it….GIVE people something first and then let them ask you how they can give to you!

If you are interested in learning more and how to eliminate selling….email me at  I have soooo many tips on how to “break the ice” with anyone and how to eliminate the “money” obstacle.

Good Luck and Let’s Do This!!



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MLM Recruiting Tip of the day – Online Marketing vs Belly To Belly Networking

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I am getting more and more clients coming to me asking about online marketing and is it really as easy as people are promoting?
Here is quick video on the reality of online marketing vs belly to belly networking.
I really see three phases:
Phase 1: Get a raise in your current 9-5 job to pay for your “home business” – this eliminates the fear of failure and makes you profitable month 1.

Phase 2:  Go help 3-5 other people become “informed” and get a raise in their 9-5 job and join your “Home Business” – this now gives you an organization to help grow with that are all profitable and makes you more money!

Phase 3: Learn daily about online marketing and perfect your craft of how to make money online – this is a long term strategy 6 month to 3 years before you are really going to make money.


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MLM Tax Tip: Introducing Accountable Solutions – The Direct Sellers Tax Expert!

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I get many of my clients asking about my tax partners and a. Who are they? What makes them different than a normal CPA? How easy is it to switch to them? Are they licensed in all 50 states? etc…

Well, I shot this quick video to answer all these questions and show you how they can help you “keep more of what you make” which everyone wants.

Contact Accountable Solutions — “The Direct Sellers Tax Expert”
• They will analyze your current tax situation
• Prepare a W4 ready to sign and submit to your payroll or HR department
Best of all this service is complimentary!
Accountable Solutions
866.282.3127 /
Have a great day!


Eric Tippetts

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