mlm prospecting tips

“StripLining”! This One Technique Will Explode Your MLM Recruiting!

“Strip Lining”!  This One Technique Will Explode Your MLM Recruiting!

“Strip lining” is a fisherman’s term… it is the difference between a Pro Fisherman and an Amateur Fisherman.

This technique is also used as an MLM recruiting strategy. And it means the difference between you pushing people away from your business, and having them chase you down to join!

This is one of the most powerful technique’s I teach, enjoy!

Kind regards,

@erictippetts (twitter)

If you want to grow your home business…grow your people!

I watch so many people focus consistently on recruiting but remember, this is a business of duplication and making others successful as well.
Stop and make sure you are helping everyone on your team grow and learn how to be successful in their business.

Mindset…Your Key To Success or Failure!

One of the biggest assets needed to succeed in anything you do in life is the right mindset.  Period.

Do you REALLY believe in yourself?  Can you visualize yourself reaching the goal of “why” you made a decision to do something?  Do you let others change your belief levels by telling you their reasons for not believing in the decision and goals you have?

Are you ALL IN?

This is the core to what drives you daily and get’s you so fired up that can’t see failure…it hypnotizes you!

If you are not reaching the goals/wants/needs that you are looking for…you need to spend a day and really sit alone and think about what makes you happy and why do you do what you do each day.  Are these actions getting you closer or further away from your goals daily?

Action daily leads towards your goals.  Goals do not happen in a day, it takes daily habits and action and you can do ANYTHING YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN DO.  This is a key phrase (“anything YOU believe you can do”)….if you see it, you can be it!

Once you figure out what you really want to do and what will drive you daily to take action.  Here is something you can do right now to get your body in alignment with your mind.

Action to take:

1. Write down on a piece of paper all your negative thoughts of “why” you might not reach your goals.  What is holding you back?  Who is holding you back? What excuses would you make? etc….

Now, take that piece of paper and crinkle it up and throw it away.  What this does is releases these from your mind and let’s them go…it is invigorating!  But more importantly, this creates the right positive mindset that is needed to rocket forward!

2.  Daily, write down on a piece of paper short positive actions you took today towards your goal.  Or anything positive that happened in your life.

Weekly pull out these small pieces of paper and review them to remind yourself of the awesome things happening in your life (it’s hard to see the forest when your nose is against the tree…meaning it’s hard to see all the positives when you constantly have negative in your life)

On Dec. 31 of each year, I love to take out this jar of positive notes and review them and all the incredible events that happened in my life….it makes me full of joy, excitement, and a “take charge” mindset that I need to rock!

Life changes in a blink of an eye…don’t waste it!  Enjoy the journey and reaching milestones…it will become addicting!

See you at the top!


The Truth about Selling! Can You Handle It….

I see so many people get into some kind of Home Business with the expectations of instant success and returns.  Remember, building a business takes time and commitment.  One commitment is staying in the game and growing a thick skin to handle the word “NO”.

Here is the Truth about Selling and how quickly people give up.  Print this and commit to yourself to BEAT these odds!  You Are As Good As You Believe You Are!

The Truth







Which Are You?  The 80% that Quit or the 10% that Commit to Success!!

Do It!!

Go make a difference in someone’s life today!

Have a great day!!


MLM Success Tip – What Is Your Energy Saying About You?

I was recently flying from Dallas, Tx to Orange County, Ca and as I boarded the plane I found my seat next to a lovely young lady that stopped me and said “I see colors coming off you”.  Now for the record, I figured she must have been smoking something and the buzz just hit her but as I sat down and we began to converse, I realized this person is very in tune with people’s “energy” and how they’re feeling.

I was fascinated by the insight she was giving me about myself and my thoughts, feelings, and passion….she just met me, how did she know so much about me?

One thing she said really stuck with me and made great sense.  She said, “everyone has an “energy” that shines out from them about 8 feet.  This is the reason you can walk into a room and see strangers and already “feel” how they make you “feel” without ever saying a word to them.  Ever notice how you are attracted to some people while others might turn you off without ever talking to them?  That is because they are shining an energy of how they feel and you are feeling this energy from them.

I truly believe she is correct about this energy and how it shines from you everyday.  What is your energy saying about you?

I want you to think about this.  When you call people and discuss your business opportunity….what is your energy as you talk to them over the phone (because people can feel how you feel even over the phone).  Are you giving an energy of passion, excitement, confidence?  Or, one of desperation, worry, need, insecurity….are you uncomfortable?

Remember this, when you sit with someone or meet someone in person….they see you, more than hear you.  This is important to remember, they are watching you (how do you feel about what your talking about, do you look at them in their eyes, are you confident).

The content you are talking about is really secondary….they need to feel your passion and excitement and this will shine on them and get them excited and feel a need to connect with you and want to be apart of what you are doing.

Here are some tips to help with building your energy:

1.  Before ever talking to someone – SMILE!  Smiling is powerful, it’s contagious, it’s beautiful!

2. Find the things about yourself and your business that you feel most excited about and share them.  What got you SO excited about your business?

3.  People only join people that provide “Value” to them.  What is Your Value?  This is something that is really key and as you discover your value, this will create energy!

4. Are you having fun?  No one wants to work more.  People want to have fun while growing themselves into a better person and making money doing it.  Create an environment of fun, collaboration, brainstorming…this creates an AMAZING energy that gives people a sense of worth and contribution!

What is Your Energy?

Have an “Energetic” Day!


p.s.  If you like this content, click the facebook icon and “like” my page as let’s connect!

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Eric Tippetts

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