ray higdon top earner academy

Eric Tippetts and Ray Higdon at “Top Earner Academy”

Ray higdon

I appreciate both of them really coming with their “A” game and willing to invest the time, desire, and interest in sharing their success secrets to a packed room of Entrepreneurs.

I look forward to spending time with Ray Higdon and Todd Falcone at next years “Top Earner Academy”…hope to see all of you there!

I have alot of content I will be posting….my creative juices are flowing like crazy!

Lots to come….

Have an incredible day!

Much love,

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Solopreneur Business Tips – Top Earner Success School Deadline Tonight

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Want to explode your business the rest of 2014?

My friend, mentor, and marketing genius –  Ray Higdon does a three month group coaching and mentoring program called “Top Earner Success school”.
The testimonials from this program are insane, click here to read for yourself.
We all know that we are entering the holidays and most businesses slow down, well, if you wanna grow fast during these last three months, consider grabbing your seat with Ray, he was the number one earner in his last company and is one helluva trainer. 
Sorry for so last minute but today is the final day of enrollment, go here to see what I’m talking about and see if it’s something that makes sense for your business!

 To The Top!
Much love,

P.S.  Don’t Miss Out, I am sharing “To The Top” book with you to download now Free:


Click here to get ebook FREE (limited time)


–Me with Jonathan Budd and Jim Bunch for Book Release–

Click here to get ebook FREE (limited time)


“Eric speaks straight truth every person looking to create more wealth needs to hear.  There are numerable ways an average person can retain and make more money reading this book.  Awesome work Eric!”

                                                          Jonathan Budd

“Eric’s book is a must read for anyone and everyone who is wanting to become financially free.
He has put not only the strategies for creating wealth, but he has eloquently dealt with the mental and emotional issues that so often hold people back from doing what they know needs to be done.
Congratulations Eric, you have a winner here and I’m sure you’ll inspire people across the planet to create wealth.
                         Jim Bunch, CEO, The Ultimate Game of Life


This book is 80% focused on the “how to” in creating a mindset of “Abundance/Prosperity”


You’ll quickly learn how to:

  • Shift Negative Thoughts into Positive
  • Gain a Financial Security of Hope
  • Understand the Prosperity Laws of Life


Here’s a quick video on “why” I wrote “To The Top” and please let me know how you feel about this.

<<<<Click Here To Watch Video>>>>

<<<Click Here To Watch Video>>>

P.S. My Book “To The Top” is truly free for a limited time (normally $19.95). 

All I ask, is that you share it with others. 

Click here to get ebook FREE

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Solopreneur Business Tips – Top Earner Success School Deadline Tonight

Ray Higdon 2 Day Mastermind – 4 Ways to Dominate Any Marketplace

Ray Higdon 2 Day Mastermind Event

I am learning 4 ways to build ANY business in Ray Higdon’s 2 Day Mastermind Event in Florida.

I strongly recommend this training (or any other that Ray provides) but specifically this training gives you very simple insights into 4 key steps to dominate any market.

1. Invest – Invest in Yourself, or No One Else Will

2. Learn – Learn the Formula for Big Launches

3. Teach – How do You Teach These Skills to Others

4. Profit – Make Big $’s Teaching Others

Ray Higdon & Eric Tippetts
Ray Higdon Top Earner Academy and ILTP training

Day 2 and learning the nuts and bolts of dominating any marketplace you decide to play in.

Go big!

Stay tuned, much more insights to come…..

Much love,


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Eric Tippetts

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