simple mlm recruiting

A Weird Fishing Concept That Will Explode Your MLM Recruiting


“Strip Lining”!  This One Technique Will Explode Your MLM Recruiting!

“Strip lining” is a fisherman’s term… it is the difference between a Pro Fisherman and an Amateur Fisherman.

This technique is also used as an MLM recruiting strategy. It can be the difference between you pushing people away from your business, and having them chase you down to join!

This is one of the most powerful technique’s I teach.

The key is “posturing” with your prospect.  You need to get in the right mindset as you are approaching prospects that you have something your prospect needs, want, and desires.  If you don’t believe this with 100% commitment, you will come across un-certain.

Un-Certainty is the #1 killer of Network Marketers.

Rocket Recruiting version 2.0

This is why I built the Rocket Recruiting App.

I wanted to give you an instant, easy way to open up the door to “why” a prospect needs a home business or they are losing money every month on each paycheck, then quantify an estimation of what they are losing for your prospect.

This way it gives you the power.  You have the information your prospect desires….how to keep more of their hard earned money on each paycheck…and you hold the keys.

Second, I see so many people get into some kind of Home Business with the expectations of instant success and returns.

Remember, building a business takes time and commitment.
One commitment is staying in the game and growing a thick skin to handle the word “NO”.
Here is the Truth about prospecting and how quickly people give up.
Print this and commit to yourself to BEAT these odds!
You Are As Good As You Believe You Are!

                         The Truth

80% of all sales are made after the fifth call
48% of all salespeople make one call and quit
25% of all salespeople call twice and quit
17% of all salespeople call three times and quit
10% of all salespeople keep calling
 80% of all sales are made by 10% of all salespeople

Which Are You? The 80% that Quit or the 10% that Commit to Success!!
This is the main reason I built the Rocket Recruiting App for Network Marketers.  I wanted to shift the mindset from “selling” to “giving” with a lending hand by showing money that your prospect could be losing and you have the solution to help them start keeping their hard earned money.

Remember the striplining concept when prospecting along with providing value upfront using the Rocket Recruiting System to increase recruiting!

Go make a positive difference in someone’s life today!

So much love,



P.S.  Get a Free Copy of my book, “To The Top” while supplies last.  Just pay S&H.  This is my gift to you.  Enjoy!

Click Here:

Simple Recruiting Phone App – Guaranteed To Work!

3 Reasons Why This Recruiting Phone App works:

1.The most successful Network Marketer, “lead with a lending hand” (you will see this in minute 1 of video). 97% of network marketers “ask” before they ever “give”…what if you could give everyone that works a 9-5 job an immediate raise on their next paycheck by joining your home business without any money out of their pocket.

2.This product will help you capture your prospects contact information and keep it organized and reminds you when to call them – (see how within minute 4)

Third, for IRS compliance, you need to show you have “the intent to make a profit” which this simple tool provides (see within minute 5).

I have testimonials of reps going from recruiting 7 people in one year to 93 people in one month using this simple phone app.

You can get this recruiting mobile web app at

Have Fun and Enjoy the Success!


p.s. Interested in providing this simple App to your team and making some residual cash…I create a 50/50 revenue share for referrals…ask me how today! – Free “7 days to profitability” training course

2013 = More Money. Lower Tax! How?

I have trained over 50,000+ Independent Business Owners on the power of owning a Home Based Business and giving them the tools to do it correctly.  One major benefit I help clients discover is the tax benefits of owning a Home Based Business and keeping more of what you make on each W-2 paycheck, NOW, and invest it into YOU  and make YOU more money!  Why give the Government and interest free loan for a year and hope to get some of it back.  It’s YOUR Hard Earned Money!!

Here’s a REAL example:

Take $1 and double it 19 times = $1,048, 576.00

Take the same $1 and double it 19 times WITH taxes taken out = $21, 931.15

Now, WHY do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer…the rich understand that to have MONEY making YOU MONEY…you need to reduce your tax liability to the LEGAL (key word) legal, minimum.  This allows you to keep more of what you make and invest it into YOU!

Two Tax Systems

Employees get to write-of almost nothing, but businesses get to write-of almost everything. In 1913 when Congress created the
income tax they setup two systems. One system for employees and the second for employers. Since virtually all taxpayers were
self-employed, home-business owners (they were mostly farmers), the business tax system received preferential treatment. It hasn’t
changed since then!


Tax Tip: If you have a home-based business operated with a profit motive, you can convert a
portion of your personal, non-deductible expenses to deductible, business expenses.


Here is a sample of what an “Employee” paycheck looks like vs. an “Employee + Self Employed Entrepreneur”

• Work Hard
• Immediately Lose a Huge Chunk of their Wages to Taxes
• Get to Take Home Whatever is Left After Taxes are Paid
• Are Entitled to Limited Deductions

• Earn Money
• Spend for Whatever They Want or Need
• Pay Taxes on Whatever is Left Over
• Deductions Include:
• Mortgage Interest or Rent
• Gas, Electric, Water, Trash
• Cleaning Crews to Dust, Vacuum, Empty Trash
• Computers, Fax Machines, Copiers, Telephones
• Paper, Staples, Ink Cartridges, Postage
• Desks, Sofas, Coffee Tables, and other Furniture
• Painting, Wallpaper, Carpeting, Repairs/remodeling
• Cell Phone Bills, Pagers, Palm Pilots
• Newspapers, Magazines, Books, On-line Media
• Plane Tickets, Hotel Costs, Meals, Rental Cars
• Lunches, Dinners, Ball Games, theatre Tickets, Health
• Security Alarms, Hidden Cameras, Guard Dogs
• Health, Life, Dental, Vision, Disability Insurance
• Company Cars (even boats), Airplanes
• Gifts to Charity, 401k, SEP-IRA, Profitt Sharing
• Contributions to Employee Retirement Plans
• Lawn Mowing, Landscaping, Snow & Leaf Removal
• Holiday Cards, Gifts, Postage, Mailing Service, Flyer
• Marketing, Advertising, Promotion, Business Development
• Accounting, Bookkeeping, Legal Fees, Contract Labor
• Printing, copying, DBA filing
• Bank fees, Interest expense, Business License
• Website hosting, Website creation & maintenance
• Internet Access, eFax, Training, consulting, tax preparation
• And just about any other expense that is “ordinary and

If your home is now your primary business location, and if your business includes selling a range of products that require
warehousing, the business use percentage of your home and garage may qualify for additional tax deductions.


I was blown away when I learned this incredible knowledge about tax strategies how to build your wealth.  I partnered with the experts in the field of taxes and tax preparation to provide my clients this information so they get it straight from the experts and can start and run a home based business correctly…..and quickly learn how to maximize their money!

2013!  Let’s show people how to get a RAISE, Today!

Much more to come…..

Happy New Year!

Eric (join my free “7  days to profitability” video training series)

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Here my disclaimer on information above from my legal department:

Eric Tippetts nor its educational subsidiaries nor any of their respective officers, personnel, representatives, agents or independent contractors are, in such capacities, licensed financial advisers or licensed tax advisers.
Tax strategies and techniques depend on an individual’s facts and circumstances; accordingly, the information presented in this website and organization must be correlated with the individual’s tax situation to establish applicability. Moreover, because of the complexity of United States tax laws, the constant changes resulting from new developments and the necessity of determining appropriateness to a particular taxpayer; it is important that professional advice be sought before implementing the tax ideas suggested in this website.
Any and all information contained within this website should not be construed as tax, legal, or investment advice. Such information is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used by any taxpayer, for the purpose of avoiding any federal or state taxes.

If you have any questions, Call Accountable Solutions at 1-866-282-3127
© 2013 Accountable Solutions THE DIRECT SELLERS’ TAX EXPERT.

MLM Recruiting Tip of the day – Online Marketing vs Belly To Belly Networking

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I am getting more and more clients coming to me asking about online marketing and is it really as easy as people are promoting?
Here is quick video on the reality of online marketing vs belly to belly networking.
I really see three phases:
Phase 1: Get a raise in your current 9-5 job to pay for your “home business” – this eliminates the fear of failure and makes you profitable month 1.

Phase 2:  Go help 3-5 other people become “informed” and get a raise in their 9-5 job and join your “Home Business” – this now gives you an organization to help grow with that are all profitable and makes you more money!

Phase 3: Learn daily about online marketing and perfect your craft of how to make money online – this is a long term strategy 6 month to 3 years before you are really going to make money.


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This is a REAL example of how to recruit a complete stranger in your home business within 5 minutes!

A key concept to always keep in mind:  “Always Give before you Ask”.  Are you “giving” something of value before you ever “ask” for something from a prospect?

Watch this short video:

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Hope this helps!


P.S.  Please “like” my page and share this content with others!  Let’s raise the bar in this profession!

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Eric Tippetts

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