time is money

Entrepreneur Time Wasters – The 7 Most Damaging

It is an issue every entrepreneur must recognize and deal with… Time wasters.

We all know that time is money and when we waste time, it is like taking a $100 bill from the wallet and tossing it into the fireplace.

But what often happens is, we don’t recognize that we are wasting time. We actually think we are doing something that is beneficial. Suddenly, we look back and realize we have been performing time wasters.

Hopefully, we are able to repair the damages.

In an effort to help entrepreneurs, I am going to go through some of the most damaging time wasters. I suggest you review these often to make sure you are not “trapped” in any of them.

Time Waster #1: No Plan

Someone once said, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”

If you are going through each day without a plan and just improvising as you go, you are “walking in a mine field.”

Studies have proven that business owners who attempt to “flow as they go” will probably fail.

Be wise and make a daily plan each evening for the next day. Otherwise, people will pull you in various directions and odds are, none of those directions will be the most beneficial.

Time Waster #2: Doing The Tasks Someone Else Could

This is a huge time waster and I believe every entrepreneur commits this one from time to time.

Every business has those routine tasks that the “head honcho” need not touch.

A good way to discover what you are doing that could be delegated is:

  • Write down all you do when working over a weeks time… Everything!
  • Identify 3-5 of those tasks that no one but you can do.
  • Now find tribe members or freelancers who can manage the other tasks and take them off your plate.
  • Focus your time and energy on those 3-5 tasks and let the other items be completed by other people.

Tasks you should consider delegating or outsourcing

  1. Bookkeeping
  2. List management
  3. Cleaning
  4. Errands
  5. Customer service
  6. Social media management
  7. Blog or website management
  8. Etc…

Time Waster #3: Email

Do you really need to check that email box every hour?

The next time you go to your email, note the time and you will cry when you realize you spent 1 or 2 hours going through unimportant stuff.

I suggest you take some time and make a list of email addresses you know carry important material that you will need.

Set yourself to 2 or 3 email checks daily and only open the important. After work is done, you then can clean through that other email stuff.

Time Waster #4: Multi-Tasking

Some entrepreneurs have an assumption they are getting more done when they multi-task.

Research has proven otherwise.

When you are trying to do several tasks at the same time, the odds of mistakes are higher and you are not giving each task complete focus.

It is much better that when you make your daily plan, give your tasks importance scores. Now complete them by order of importance.

Time Waster #5: Chaotic Meetings

Meetings are required at times but when those meetings turn into a form of chaos, they are a huge time waster for you and your team.

Meetings need to be controlled and focused on a certain subject. If you try to throw too much into one meeting, it solves nothing.

I suggest keeping meetings to ½ hour or less and keep it focused on 1 matter. I believe several short meetings is better than 1 long meeting.

Time Waster #6: Getting A Yea Or Nay

If we had any idea how much time we waste with prospects because they are uncomfortable saying no to us, we would cry.

It is not a simple process, but don’t accept maybe or at a later date as an answer. Many of these people are just saying that thinking that no will hurt your feelings.

Heck Jim… You won’t hurt my feelings by just giving your absolute answer. I don’t want to waste your time or mine. What is holding you back from saying yes or no today?”

Time Waster #7: Social Media

Did I even have to put this on the list?

Just like email, give yourself only set times to go into those social zones and set an alarm to get out.

You just have to use self-restraint and not fall into the social media time wasting trap.

Final Thoughts

I believe these are the most damaging time wasters.

Do you agree?

I suggest you write or print these and keep them visible to help you recognize when you may be “slipping.”

You know, one aspect that is not a time waster is recruiting. Whether you are recruiting employees, team members, freelancers or business partners, it is a primary task that you should be committed to.

Guess what!!!

I can help you with that recruiting task. The Rocket Recruiting App gives you the tools you need to make recruiting a breeze. Check it out here.

I know if you look close, you will start to perform the tasks that are the revenue building aspects and you will stop wasting time.

Let me know if this helped you and will you also do me one other favor? Just click those social buttons and share it with your friends so they will stop wasting time too.

Thanks and have a great day!

To The Top!

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Do You Have The Entrepreneur Mindset?

So you have been working for “the other guy” for years and you have decided to take the plunge from employee to entrepreneur. That is great! But I need to ask you something immediately… Do you have an entrepreneur mindset?

I ask this because if you try to manage a business using an employee mindset, you will have multiple issues.

You may discover that you have been using an employee mindset and it is never too late to change that pattern. So I am going to point out some key differences between the entrepreneur mindset vs the employee mindset.

Entrepreneur Mindset: All Decisions Are On You / Employee Mindset: The Boss Said To Do It This Way

Every single decision that is made in the business is on you as the entrepreneur. There is no more blaming bad decisions on another person, even if you allowed someone else to make the decision, it all still comes back to you.

Entrepreneur Mindset: “I Learn How To Do This Better.” / Employee Mindset: “I Want To Take A Course On This Because I Never Learned How To.”

When you first read this, it may seem like both the entrepreneur and employee are saying the same thing. They are not!

The entrepreneur wants to make the skills they already have stronger. The employee wants to mend his/her weaknesses.

Entrepreneur Mindset: Time Is The Most Valuable Asset / Employee Mindset: Money Is the Most Valuable Asset

Now don’t get me wrong here…Money is a valuable asset to an entrepreneur, but he/she puts time as a higher asset on the list. They know that if they use their time properly, the money… the profits will come.

The employee does not necessarily concern themselves with time unless the employer puts time-induced quotas on them. And even then, the most important thing is that paycheck and raises.

Entrepreneur Mindset: The Finish Line Is That Way, So I Will Create A Path To Get There / Employee Mindset: Which Way Do I Go?

This speaks for itself; employees need guidance while entrepreneurs are the pathfinders. They are the ones who give guidance.

Entrepreneur Mindset: This Is Uncomfortable And I Love It / Employee Mindset: I Just Want To Be Comfortable And Happy.

Entrepreneurs have to live in discomfort a large percentage of the time. Once the entrepreneur starts feeling comfort, they create something new to stay in that uncomfortable position.

Employees, for the biggest part, just want everything to flow smoothly. No stress except what to cook for dinner.

Entrepreneur Mindset: No / Employee Mindset: Yes

An employee wants to please their employer, so nearly every answer is yes.

Successful entrepreneurs have realized if they say yes to everything, they will soon be broke. Entrepreneurs must know how to say no to a large percentage of offers.

Entrepreneur Mindset: Work Smart / Employee Mindset: Work Hard

This also speaks for itself.

Just a story that puts this in context: A group of movers were at an apartment move located on the 2nd floor of an apartment. The couch and loveseat were monstrous and the owner stated that when she bought it, the company had built them in the apartment. They were much too big to get down the stairway.

Calling the entrepreneur who owned the company and explaining that they would have to work hard to take everything apart to get the job completed in time. The entrepreneur said he would be right over… He had a work smart idea.

The entrepreneur came to the job site and delegated that one of the workers get several ropes, chains and pulleys from the back of his truck. Using the devices, they lowered the furniture in one piece via the balcony with the pulley hooked to a tree.

Not only did the entrepreneur save a lot of time, he taught the workers to think wise instead of thinking hard.

Entrepreneur Mindset: Plan / Employee Mindset: Execute

Now I will say that both the entrepreneur and the employee must do the opposite at times, but overall, the entrepreneurs are the planners and employees do the execution of the plans.

Entrepreneur Mindset: Hire People That Are Smarter Than Me / Employee Mindset: Sabotage People That Are Smarter Than Me

The entrepreneur understands that he/she does not know it all, and it can only help the business if they contract or hire people that are smarter than they are.

The majority of employees feel threatened by people that are smarter than they are.

So, What Is Your Mindset?

There are many who say that entrepreneurs need to think outside the box; personally, I believe that entrepreneurs just need to “burn that box.” There is no box and everything goes.

If you discover that as an entrepreneur, you are still using an employee mindset in some areas, it is time to recognize and change those mindsets.

A large percentage of entrepreneurs have started their business at home. I would tell you that you would find huge benefits in the Home Business Success Kit. The 3 tools in this kit will help you have success. The tools are:

  1. The Expense Tracker – Helps you budget and save on taxes
  2. To The Top book – Learn some secrets to create wealth
  3. Rocket Recruiting – A non-resistant method to recruit team members

You can get all that by clicking here.

Thank you for stopping by today and if you have any questions or feedback, just post them below.

To The Top!

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Eric Tippetts

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