The Art of Fulfillment – Are You Truly Happy?

The Art of Fulfillment: the art of finding joy in the process of whatever life brings; the power to understand, appreciate, and enjoy our lives at the deepest level.

Whether it’s creating outstanding health and vitality, attaining the competitive advantage in your business, deepening your relationships, or taking your finances to the next level.

Do you find yourself overlooking your accomplishments but always chasing what you don’t have?

Your not alone.  Sadly, this is true for most of the world’s population.  With the media exploiting what others have, we become wired to desire more, want more, need more, wish more….we forget how much we really do have and how blessed each of us are in our own way.

Be Happy with What You Have, While You Pursue What You Want!

In the video I talk about the story of Robin Williams, the famous comedian, actor, director, husband, and father.  In so many ways Robin was so blessed with what most people would want but in the end, he took his own life.



No one will ever really know but from the outside it comes down to not being fulfilled in life or at least the feeling of not being fulfilled.  Never feeling adequate.  Never feeling like you have accomplished enough.  Never enough.

I truly believe that if most of us threw our bag of problems in the middle and looked at how many problems others have or what level their problems are at…we would grab our own bag of problems and run away, happy!  Lol!  Sounds funny but in reality, the more money you make….the bigger problems you are solving.

Your problem solving skills typically equals the amount of money you make.  Not in all cases but typically the biggest problem solvers rise to the top and the money follows.

Can you succeed in life and still not be fulfilled? How many times in your life have you achieved what you set out to do and then a short time later thought, “Is this all there is?” There is a formula for success –called the science of achievement – which is the process of taking your dreams and making them real. But living a fulfilled life is an art, not a science.

What is fulfilling for one person may be boring to another, therefore fulfillment comes in as many textures as there are human beings. However, you must learn what makes you fulfilled because here’s the truth:

Success Without Fulfillment is The Ultimate Failure

So how do we find fulfillment?

There are universal elements of fulfillment and the number one element is that we must grow. If we don’t grow, we won’t be fulfilled. The second is that you must contribute beyond yourself. If our goals are only to serve ourselves, then achieving our goals will only make us happy for a moment. But if your mission is to serve others, then not only will you leave a legacy of giving, but you will be more fulfilled in life.

The point is this: What will make you fulfilled is to grow and to give.

Learning the art of fulfillment will allow you to create an extraordinary life for yourself and your family.  Starting Today!

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So Much Love and Fulfillment!


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