What I Learned from Todd Falcone

Eric Tippetts and Todd Falcone – A Day in the Life of 2 Entrepreneurs

Yesterday, I returned from an awesome Trip to Phoenix, AZ to hang with my friend Todd Falcone – The Fearless Networker. I enjoy hanging with people that inspire me, make me think bigger, enjoy not being “ok”, and have a passion for helping others.

I wanted to start this week with some Monday Motivation to create a pattern break in your mind from continuing the daily, weekly, monthly, yearly grind and wondering why life never changes.

Life changes, when you change!

I make a conscious decision, daily, to surround myself with people that think bigger and want bigger in life…and demand it!  Todd Falcone is a top rated Network Marketing / MLM trainer that focuses on the truth of building a business in Network Marketing and becoming successful by following a plan.  Being consistent.

I love hanging with Todd Falcone because he constantly questions, reality and what is possible.  Always pushing the limits.  Always asking for more from his clients and pushing them to success in their network marketing business.

Today, ask yourself…who could I spend more time with that will help empower me to lay foundation under my dreams.  It is necessary to get the losers out of your life.  Birds of a feather, flock together.  Losers hang with losers and if you are growing.  They will always try to tear you down, tell you “that won’t work”, “that is stupid”, “why do you keep doing these stupid things”, etc…


Because you are making them feel uncomfortable about their life and they are not growing like you.  You have pushed them out of their comfort zone.

AWESOME!!  The more people try and pull you down….the more you are growing!!!  GREAT JOB!!

7 days to unstoppable motivation full

Today is the Perfect Day!

Change is a process.  I want you to know this.  Too many people look at change as this massive shift in lifestyle.  Not true.  It’s daily small steps that lead toward your goal.  Almost not even noticeable but it creates this positive momentum in your life.

You will start noticing “lucky” events happening.  Positive things happening in your life.  This is momentum happening FOR you!

Enjoy it!

So much love,




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