advertising tips

3 Tips For Getting The Best ROI On Your Digital Advertising

return on investment

When you advertise your products or services, are you getting the best ROI possible?

For those of you that are “new to the digital advertising world,” ROI stands for Return On Investment.

These are stats you want to measure as you are running ad campaigns.

  • Click thru rates
  • Bounce rates
  • Conversion rates
  • Etc…

With most digital advertising strategies, you can measure these figures and determine if you are profiting more than you are paying.

Now before I get started providing tips on getting the best ROI, I do need to tell you that you should not expect miraculous results if you only run ad campaigns for a few days. Most ad campaigns need to run a decent length of time to have an accurate reading of their effectiveness.

With that said, try these 3 tips to get the best ROI on your digital advertising.

Getting The Best ROI Tip #1: Target The Right And Tight Audience

This has to be the top tip of them all because so many entrepreneurs just throw ads out with no target in mind.

Let me tell you that when you think everyone is the target, you will probably attract no one.

A great example I have seen recently comes from massive billboards for a well known fast food franchise that is recognized worldwide. This is a company that probably could target every man, woman and child and get away with it. But they narrow that target down massively on the billboard.

You see what seems to be a younger African American woman with a small child holding the “special meal” this company makes for children. The child is holding the box in one hand and the toy that comes with it in the other.

I would wager a lot that this ad has a better ROI than an ad the same company would run that tries to target a wide range of people.

Naturally, they did a study on the demographics of that area and the people who would relate and connect with that ad.

So, let’s say you sell a high powered vacuum cleaner… Would you target

  • 20-30 year old men who are single?
  • 50+ year old widows who are considering a retirement village?
  • Or 25-40 year old women who are married and have children?

It really is a simple answer isn’t it?

Getting The Best ROI Tip #2: Have One Strong And Clear Call To Action

The call to action in your digital ad needs to:

  • Be Strong – It should tell the person what to do. No, don’t ask… TELL! This may seem too strong for you but, every person has been programmed to do what they are told since they were babies. Consumers will do what you tell them to do. If you ask, they will find someone else who tells them.
  • Be Clear – The prospect wants to understand what is on the other side of that click. Make sure they feel they can trust what you tell them is what they find.
  • Only One – If you have more than one call to action in an ad, you will confuse the prospect and they will decide not to decide.

Getting The Best ROI Tip #3: Keep Your Ad And Landing Page Symmetrical

How would you feel if you strolled up a sidewalk to a log home that is set in a countryside with a look of the 1800’s and the owner invited you in and you walked into a room with ultra-modern lamps and furniture?

Wow… The head would be spinning!symmetrical

It feels the same way for a person who clicks an ad that has an image they can relate to… Let’s just say a nice little kitten.

When the landing page comes up, the image is a pack of wolves.


The best way to keep that person engaged is to have your ad and landing page symmetrical…

  • Same or similar images
  • The same font
  • Matching or the same colors
  • Etc…


More than anything, I always recommend testing digital ads. A/B testing… Using similar, but different ads and measure results.

Remember to check all the rules where you are running your ads. While you can run similar ads, the ad you run on Facebook will be different than an ad you run on Google.

I will be delving further into this subject in future posts, but these tips can lead you in the right direction for the best ROI.

I also have one other tool that will help you track costs versus revenues. Get the Expense Tracker here and keep your budget tight and clean.

Hope this helps you climb your way…

To The Top!

eric tippets

Advertising Schemes – 8 Tips, Tricks and Secrets

advertising schemes

Sometimes I find myself being analytical and critical of various advertising schemes and methods. I put myself in the shoes of the intended “target market” and attempt to determine, “Would I buy that?” or “Would I use that?”

Be it advertising on billboards, in publications or on the worldwide web via Google Adsense, Facebook or other mediums, I have witnessed good, bad, great, terrible and mediocre.

Over the years, I have tested out many advertising schemes and I have achieved great, terrible, mediocre, and all other adjectives in between.

It is called learning by experience.

But you do not have to go through the costs of running bad ads. You can learn from my experiences as well as other entrepreneurs.

Here are 8 tips, tricks and secrets to run high converting advertising schemes.

Advertising Schemes #1: Use Your Unique Visual Elements

You should absolutely use your unique logo and brand name within any, and all your advertising schemes.

This has the benefit of brand recognition. Maybe a person will not buy immediately, but as that logo gets into their head, their realization that you are a known brand and trusted will become a reality.

Advertising Schemes #2: Make It Venue Related

The venue you are using to advertise make a huge difference in the type of ad you should run. Don’t use the same ad on Facebook that you would use in a newspaper.

We have discovered that using unique images, not stock photos, on Facebook draws more attention. Whereas on publication ads, stock images will work.

Before developing an ad, consider the venue.

Advertising Schemes #3: Use A Carousel Format

This works especially well on social media. A carousel of images showing products, staff, or even the process of manufacturing.

Images in a carousel draw a lot of attention. I suggest you give it a try and see how the Return On Investment comes out.

Advertising Schemes #4: Keep Text Short For Outside Advertising

When it comes to billboards, ads on telephone poles or any other type of outdoor ads, you need to consider the fact that people only have a short time to read what is said. Keep your text to 7 words or less and the person will be able to catch everything written as they drive past.

Make the contact easy to read… Actually, consider your font and the boldness of your words. Just imagine yourself in a car at 25 – 30 MPH trying to read what you are saying.

Advertising Schemes #5: Use An Enticing Color

I suggest finding a color that blends well with your logo and sticking strong to it.

Just consider…

  • John Deere Green
  • Coca Cola Red
  • McDonald’s Yellow

What color will be associated with your brand?

Do keep in mind there are many psychological traits with colors…

  • Red = urgency
  • Blue = Masculinity
  • Green = Health and vitality
  • Purple = Wisdom
  • Yellow = Optimism
  • Black = Power… But should be used cautiously.
  • White = Safety

Advertising Schemes #6: Run A/B Tests

It always is wise to design 2 advertising schemes and run them at the same time. Watch the stats to see which one is drawing the most attention.

Use those statistics in your decision as to which ad you will run for the duration.

Advertising Schemes #7: Racy Works

Let’s all admit it… Sex sells.

But many do not want to go out and get photos of humans with nearly nothing on… Or do we?

Use a creative touch. Volkswagen had an ad that did amazingly well when they posted a convertible and simply said, “Go Topless.”

Using any type of racy or sex intended message can get more attention.

Advertising Schemes #8: Illicit Emotion

When advertising draws out

  • laughter
  • anger
  • sadness
  • or any other emotion,

people buy.

It may seem like a dirty ploy to “play” with people’s emotions, but the fact remains that emotion sells.


The biggest key in developing any type of advertising scheme is to use empathy. Put yourself in the target customer’s shoes. Will they buy from the message in your ad?

When you can provide what they want to see instead of what you think they need to see, you will have advertising success.

Do you have any questions? Feel free to post them below and I will try my best to get you an answer.

I want to provide you with one other gift… Get my free training course, 7 Days To Unstoppable Motivation by clicking here.

One step at a time, we will take you and your business…

To The Top!

eric tippets

Eric Tippetts

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