focus on the present

5 Tips On Turning A Negative Mindset Into A Positive

negative to positive

There are many people who are fighting an internal war. They desperately long to live in a positive state of mind, but their subconscious tells them the exact opposite. But there are ways to turn that negative state into a positive.

Here are 5 tips on turning a negative mindset into a positive.

Turning A Negative Mindset Into A Positive Tip #1: Turn It Into A Question

Whenever that negative thought arises, turn it into a question.

Here is an example… The negative thought says “I don’t know anything about blockchain technology. I can’t write about it.”

Turn it into a question, it goes like this “Where can I do research to better understand blockchain technology so I can write a high quality article?”

By using this technique, you are affirming your abilities instead of focusing on your inabilities.

Turning A Negative Mindset Into A Positive Tip #2: Call The Foul Ball Before It Hits The Bat

What I mean here is to recognize the negative thought immediately before it has time to snowball. Realize it is just a negative thought and has no power whatsoever.

Use #1 and turn that thought into a positive.

As you practice this, you will find the negative thoughts getting “bored” with you and moving elsewhere where they can gain more power.

Turning A Negative Mindset Into A Positive Tip #3: Meditate


I have found that with many people, negative thoughts come in waves. When you notice the “high tide” of negativeness, I suggest you take some time to practice meditation.

Find a nice quiet place and just empty your brain by focusing it on one single object…

  • A tree,
  • cloud,
  • ocean,
  • etc…

Turning A Negative Mindset Into A Positive Tip #4: Focus On The Present

Negative thinking normally comes from 1 of 2 places:

  1. The past – dwelling on past failures, guilt, and things told to you by people.
  2. The future – worrying about could happen to ourselves, our family or other humans.

So the easiest way to take the past and future out of play is to just simply focus on the present.

Does this mean you forget about the past and not consider the future?

Absolutely not but you cannot allow them to be the focus. Learn from the past and try to predict the future but do not let those control you… Live in the present.

Turning A Negative Mindset Into A Positive Tip #5: Surround Yourself With Positive People

If you are always around negative people… Those people who it seems nothing is good enough… You will tend to start being negative.

No matter how positive you are, you will not change them; they will change you.

So pick out the people who have a positive mindset 99.9% of the time and hang out with them. You will find yourself being more positive.


The most important thing I can tell you today is believe… Believe in yourself and you will defeat negativity.

Every one of these tips work… I know because I use them myself.

I have an exclusive limited time opportunity for you… You can get a discounted access to the home business success kit… It contains 3 tools to help you master positivity. Just click here to get your special access.

Glad you stopped in today as we help you take your life and business…

To The Top!

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7 Tips For Dealing With Unforeseen Circumstances

As entrepreneurs, we try to foresee what will happen next. But, it does not always work out that way.

How do you react when a curve ball comes instead of that fast ball (baseball analogy)?

We should always expect the unexpected, it is just a rule of nature.

So in today’s post, I am going to give you 7 tips for dealing with unforeseen circumstances.

Dealing With Unforeseen Circumstances Tip #1: Stop And Think About Your Options

While some circumstances require immediate action such as a fire, in the majority of circumstances, there is time to think and weigh your options. Making a “rushed” decision can sometimes be fatal.

Take a moment… Get up from your desk… Take a walk and weigh out all your options. By doing so, you will likely have clearer thoughts and the answer may come to you.

Dealing With Unforeseen Circumstances Tip #2: Don’t Let Little Things Override The Big Picture

Sometimes an unforeseen event is a culmination of many smaller issues. It is important that you put each issue in its place. You really do not need to perfectly solve each and every little thing. Look at the big picture. Solve the big problem and let many of the little issues ride the waves solo.

Dealing With Unforeseen Circumstances Tip #3: Don’t Just Automatically Assume The Circumstance Is Bad

I like to think circumstances have a reason for occurring. And just because you did not foresee a circumstance does not mean it’s a bad thing. Let’s just say an entrepreneur is scheduled for a flight that he MUST be on. The airline has a problem and tells him they overbooked and he must take the next flight.

The entrepreneur is livid! He must make this flight because he has an important meeting.

He makes calls and reschedules the meeting but is still angry at the airline. And then the news comes that the plane had crashed.

While the circumstance was bad and the result was terrible, it was not nearly as bad for him as if he would have got on that plane.

Dealing With Unforeseen Circumstances Tip #4: Be Prepared For Various Outcomes

While you can’t prepare for every single thing, you can prepare for every possible outcome that could enter your brain.

By doing so, your preparation may work even if the outcome is something totally unexpected.

Dealing With Unforeseen Circumstances Tip #5: Consider How Others Will React To Your Reaction

As a leader, you have tribe members who will follow your example. So before you scream, cry, hit something or throw a temper tantrum, remember that your reaction will be intensified when your followers mimic you.

I say calm and cool is the way. Remember that your attitude can build or break the unforeseen circumstance.

Dealing With Unforeseen Circumstances Tip #6: Focus On The Here And Now

Instead of thinking about what you could have done different or looking at how this circumstance will affect the future, focus on what you can do right now to handle this situation.

Remember, the past is gone and the future is yet to come. Deal with the right here and now.

Dealing With Unforeseen Circumstances Tip #7: Consult With Others

Just asking other people what they would do can be a great way to get some ideas. I suggest only talking with trusted individuals.

It doesn’t mean you have to follow the path they say, but by doing this, you are getting a variety of ideas to help you manage through the unforeseen.


Guess what???

It will happen!

In the world of entrepreneurship, there are always unforeseen circumstances. How you handle them is the key.

You know, I share a lot in my climb as an entrepreneur in the book I authored called To The Top. If you would like a copy you can get one for the low price of $14.95 shipping and handling included. Just click here.

Thank you for visiting and if you have any comments or feedback, please leave it below.
eric tippets

Eric Tippetts

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